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It's been two days since that incident and Matt has been so awkward since that morning. I wake up and, once again, Matt is no where. I hear a groan from the shower. I stretch and get out of his bed and walk over to the bathroom. I knock, " Yes?" "Can I come in?" I hear him clear his throat, "Yeah." I walk in and wash my face, brush my teeth and hair. In the midst of me brushing my hair Matt got out of the shower and kissed the top of my head. I smile at him in the mirror and he walks out. I finish and get ready to shower. I go into Matt's room and see him laying under his covers and I see his hand moving down there. Wow okay, uh that's awkward cause he doesn't know I saw him doing that. I knock on the door, "uh come in." I walk in and he's laying in bed and on his phone. I smile at him, "I'm just gonna shower really quick." He nods, "Okay." I walk away and close the door. I got completely naked and Matt opened the door, "you forgot your tow- oh my god." He covered his eyes, "I'm so sorry Alyssa." "It's okay Matt." I put the towel around me and remove his hand from his eyes. He licks his lips and then leaves the room. I shower and then get out. I change into the clothes o picked out and then did my hair and makeup. I walk out and Matt is dressed and ready like me. We leave and you could cut the tension with a knife..

279 words

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