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It's been a week since I forgave Matt and he has been so affectionate lately. He rubs my arms, thighs and I wish he would just make the first move already. We were sitting in the living room and he had one arm around my neck and one hand next to him. I then put my hand on his thigh after he kissed the top of my head. He tensed up after I did that, but I just left my hand there. He then took my hand off of his thigh and set it back on my thigh. I don't know why he's being all weird. I go and put my hand back on his thigh. He glances at me and then takes my hand off once again. He glances at me and I look over at him, "What're you trying to do?" I look at him innocently, "What are you talking about Matt?" "You know exactly what I'm talking about Alyssa." "I don't Matt, please, enlighten me." He sighs and rolls his eyes and then shakes his head, looking away from me. God why is he being like this? I decide that I'm just going to go for it because, I literally have nothing to loose. What's the worst that can happen, he says no to sex? I wait a good fifteen minutes and then continue my innocent hint. Except this time it's way less innocent. I place my hand on his upper thigh and then go up to his neck and start to kiss it. He is so stiff and through gritted teeth he says, "Alyssa I swear if you do not st-" but he was cut off by his friends Gilinsky, Johnson and Sammy walking into the living room, looking shocked. He springs up, knocking me over, looking all fluster and embarrassed. He licks his lips while rubbing his hands together, "Hey guys-so uh- what's u-up?" They burst into laughter, leaving Matt angry that I just embarrassed him in front of his friends. His friend Sammy spoke up, "Sorry man we didn't know you were uh-" Matt cut him off, "No we weren't going to-" his Gilinsky cut him off, "Are you sure?" "Uh yeah I'm positive. I would never have se-" but he cut himself off and looked at me. I can't believe he would say something like that. He then tried to change the subject, "What do you guys want?" They all look at each other and shake their heads, "Uh never mind, we gotta go." Then Matt tried to convince them to stay but, they just felt too awkward so they left. He walked back in and plopped on the other couch and sighed, "Great." I look at him confused, "What?" "I was finally gonna get to hang out with people besides you and then you-" my mouth hangs open. Oh my god he's sick of me all of a sudden? He sighs, "Woe okay." "I didn't mean it like that." I get up from the couch, "Yeah you did other wise you wouldn't have said it." He get up too and follows me, "Well I'm sorry that I never get to see my friends ever because, the only person I get to hang out with is you, my stupid clingy girlfriend." My mouth opens, "I'm clingy? Sorry but, last time I checked I'm not here every day, or week. So I don't know what you're doing when I'm back home in Chicago that you never "have time" to hangout with anyone but your stupid clingy girlfriend. But I'm too stupid to understand right?" "Well I'm sorry that I can't take you to all of the places me and my friends go since you're too young to go to any of them." I roll my eyes, "So that's what this is about, my age. Well I'm sorry I can't change that for you, I can't be perfect. It's not my fault I'm sixteen." "Well it's not my fault you're too young to come along with me to these places, God sometimes I just wish that-" "That I was Malory?" He looked at me with wide eyes, "What? Don't say that, that's stupid." "Oh but, that's me. You're stupid, underage, clingy girlfriend. Isn't it?" He just looks at me angry, "Well if you want to go to your 18+ cool people parties then just fucking go I don't care. Go have fun without me like you obviously want to because I'm not fun." He huff out angrily and rolls his eyes, "Fine I will, don't wait up for me." "Alright I won't and don't expect me to be sitting here when you get home." "Oh yeah and where're you gonna go. News flash curfew here is same as back home and oh would you look at that-" he shows me the time on his phone, "-well looks like you will be here waiting around for me. But, like I said don't wait up, it's past your bed time anyways. Maybe go to bed and you won't be such a fucking crabby little whining bitch in the morning." Then he walks out, leaving me alone. I go and sit on his couch and feel my eyes water, I don't know why he's acting like this. He's been so loving the past few days and now when his friends show up he changes. I then feel myself slowly drifting off to sleep, so I turn off the tv and fall asleep. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

924 words
Sorry if the spelling sucks, I typed this with literally one thumb.

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