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It's 11:58 pm and I got a text out of no where from the one and only, Matt:
Matt: hey
Me: hey
Me: why're you texting me so late?
Matt: hurtful
Matt: I have exciting news
Me: what is it?
Matt: I'm coming to Chicago next month for my tour that will be starting soon.
Me: oh my god really?
Matt: yeah
Me: oh my god that is exciting news
Matt: see didn't I tell you, miss sassafras?
Me: sassafras? Tf
Matt: idk honestly 😂
Me: well I can't wait
Matt: me either
Matt: I can't wait to see your beautiful face in person 😊

Wow... Matts never really talked to me like that before

Me: okay well I'm tired at so night Matty
Matt: goodnight cutie 😊

Oh my god we're actually gonna meet..

134 words
Oh my god guys I hit 2k and it is honestly unreal. Like it feels like just yesterday I was freaking out over 100 reads on my first story. Thank you all who have helped me come this far and encouraged me to keep writing when I doubted myself.

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