Chapter 17 - Truth

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I have some news before I get started with this chapter, so please read:

A) Sorry, about all the miss spells and grammar issues, I'm terrible with both of those things, and I'm trying to get better, so please ignore those things.

B) I have wrote this story a while back, and have just started working on it again. This is the last chapter I stopped on, and I've had it all typed on my computer and have just been copying and pasting, but now I actually have to write more of it, so bare with me. Updates with be a LOT SLOWER, so sorry, because I'm working on two stories. But, please enjoy this chapter. <3 ;-) <3 I'm going to try my best...

C) This story is going to come to an end soon, so I'm sorry, I'll make sure to end it well, I'm not sure how I'm going to end it yet, but I'll figure it out. I have no ideas left for this story, I know it was short, and I'm sorry guys...

D) Please, please, please... check out my other stories.... Royal Blood, and That Summer. I'm working on the 2nd one to That Summer., and it was my first long story that I ever finished, so I'll admit the quality isn't all that. My personal favorite is Royal Blood, I had the most fun writing that, with character and the whole story, because I had so many ideas and plots, and twists for it. Then on top of that the 2nd one to Royal Blood, will come in the future.

Anyway... I think that's all I had to say... so please carry on to the story.... enjoy...


The tickling on my back, and neck increased. I giggled.

"Stop," I mumbled. I rolled over on my back, to stop the tickling. Then the tickling began under my chin. I tried to swat it away, but it didn't stop.

My eyes finally opened, to find a very close Conner. He was leaving wet kisses all over me, which must have been the tickles.

I smiled at him, as he brought his lips to meet mine. I ran my hands threw his thick hair, he caresed my cheek.

He flipped us over, to where he lay on his back, and I straddled him.

I moved my hands to where they layed on his cheeks, while he moved his hands onto my hips. It sent millions of shivers down my spine, as he rubbed up and down. He moved one hand to to tuck a peice of hair behind my ear, then held his hand there, by my ear.

"I missed you so, so much," I whined, between kisses.

"I missed you too, baby," He replied.

It was silence for a long while. The kisses filled the air. I loved him so much, and I don't think I could ever lose him, ever again. I think he was right when he said, that he thought that, that incedint had made us stronger. I felt stronger, and even more in love with Conner then before.

"Hey, Conner I was jus-. Ok, nevermind, i'll just leave you guys to it then," I heard Bryan's voice, and imediantly got off of Conner.

I could only imagine my cheeks were a deep red.

"No, Bryan it's cool. What did you need?" Conner asked.

Bryan came in a little bit further in the room, and closed the door.

"I was just making sure that Bailey got here all right. And to see how the making ou-, I mean making up was going," He shook his head a bit.

"Great, I think we are good now," Conner said, looking at me. I nooded.

"Ok, well, I guess i'll see you guys later," He turned around to walk out, but then stopped. He turned his head towards us. "Uh, and please Conner, don't, well, you know, with my little sister, pleas-"

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