Chapter 14 - His Reply

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Everything stopped.

I felt like my life would flash before my eyes. My heart raced faster, and faster. My breathing picked up. Had I really just said that, outloud? That was for my thoughts. I didn't know what to do. Should I tell him I didn't mean it. Should I lie?

"What?" He asked, removing his hands from me.

I was still up aginst the wall. I would move, but I feared with the loss of support I would fall.

"I... I didn't mean to say it so soon. I... I meant to keep it to my self, until the time was right, and I-"

"Wh... what did you say?" He studdered.

"Conner, I... I love you. I love you, so much," This is the moment in the movie, where the screen goes black, and it's over. I kinda wish this was a movie right now.

He backed up three steps, then I walked forward three steps. I looked in his eyes, I could see so many thoughts running threw his mind. I didn't know what he would say. What he would do. I felt like... I felt like crying.

I knew how this would play out. I had seen plenty of romance movies to know. One person admits their full on feelings to the other, long story short, the other one freaks out. Acts erationaly and ends the relationship.

I couldn't lose Conner.

I loved him, alot.

I used my hand and pushed my hair behind my ear. I walked all the way to Conner. I put my hand on his cheek. "Please... please talk to me," I felt a tear slid down my cheek.

He swolload. Then wiped my tear way. "Why are you crying?" My hand fell.

I closed my eyes tight to hold back the tears. "I've seen plenty of movies to know how this... this night is gonna end," I squeked out.

"What?" His face was back to normal.

"You know how they end."

"Bailey, this isn't a movie. I'm not gonna leave you just because you said that you loved me. In fact I don't think I could ever leave you. I think if I did, I would hate myself for the rest of my life. I think... I think that my heart would shatter into a million peices. My heart is filled with you, and only you. I mean my family's there too, but you. You are everything to me. My heart my soul. My soulmate. My true love. So, yes... I love you too."

My heart melted into a million peices. In the time span of ten minutes, my heart shattered, reformed, and became stronger. My heart was filled with love... true love.

A smile eropted onto my face.

He smiled to.

"Bailey, I love you... I love you so freakin' much," He said once more, before pressing his lips to me with such force, I got pushed back onto the wall. My hands ran threw his hair, and his cupped my cheeks.

I had never been more happier in my life.

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