Chapter 1 - Ryan

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Beep Beep Beep Beep.

I reached out of my warm blankets and slapped the top of my alarm. It was freezing, I pulled my arm back into the blanket. I pulled the blanket over my head, and rolled over... the wrong way. I fell to the ground with a thud. I rubbed my eyes trying to figure out what just happened. I slowly got up. Glad I decided to put on my fuzzy pink PJ pants before I went to bed that night. Although I only had on a black tank top, so my arms had chill bumps on them. I hugged myself and rubbed my arms trying to warm up.

I went to my dresser. I pulled out my jean shorts, and black hoodie. I put them on, and then brushed my dirty blonde hair out and threw it in a messy ponytail. My bangs dangled and I tucked them behind my ears. I put my black converse on. I walked into the kitchen to grab a water before I went out. That's when I saw him. Of course he's here. He's always here, he was filling a cup with water. Him and his dirty blonde hair, his dark blue eyes, and dark completion.

"Hey, Bailey," He said, with a smile.

"Conner," I said, in a discussing tone. I know best way to win over a guy. I'm not trying to, I just want to avoid him as best I can. "Don't you live across the street?" I asked, rudely.

"Yeah, I stayed over here like I do every Friday night," Right it was Saturday. I knew that. "I mean Geez what's you're problem? It seems like you have been hateful to me ever since you were twelve, and I was thirteen," He said.

No, you idiot! I just have this big crush on you, and if you found out I would dye, literally. I mean I have had a crush on you for the past four years. I mean I was twelve then, and now i'm sixteen.

I don't say anything else. I had nothing else to say, I had to get out of that situation. I was so nervous around him. My palms began to sweat, and head started to get heavy. I rolled my eyes, and walked away. I stormed right past Bryan who was probably walking to Conner, and into the garage. I knew what I would do. My favorite thing in the world.


⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫

Ever since that day when I was eight, and tried to skateboard with my brother and Conner, and failed terribly, I decided to practice more, and get really good at it. The only thing is nobody knows about it, not Bryan, Conner, or my mom or dad. I always go to the skate park to practice. I hid my skateboard in the garage where nobody can find it.

I hit the button beside the door to opened the garage. It opened. I went over to the far side of the garage and dug out my skateboard and helmet. I put my skateboard on the sidewalk outside, closed the garage, snapped on my helmet, and pushed off.

⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫

I finally got to my safe place. Luckily nobody was here yet, since it was so early. There was ramps and jumps, everywhere. I loved it here, and nobody ever thinks to find me here.

⧫ ⧫ ⧫ ⧫

I ramped and did jumps for what seemed like five minutes, when some people began to show up, here and there. I looked at my watch. It had been three hours and twenty-six minutes, it was eleven now. I had to be home in in an hour, for lunch. I did some more tricks and I even did a handstand.

"Nice one," A voice said. I didn't recognize it. I turned around to see a boy maybe about eighteen. He had red faded hair, and a smirky little grin, with dark eyes. He wore a black hoodie, too, and jeans. He carried a skateboard in his right arm.

"Thanks," I said.

"Mind if I join you?"

"I guess not."

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