Chapter 19 - The Playground

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Tonight was the night.

Tonight, Conner was getting the talk of his life. His biological parents, and his aunt and uncle, were all explaining to him, the situation.

I layed on my couch at home, flipping through channal, after channal, after channal, nothing was on.

I finally gave up, and dropped the remote on the coffee table. The room was dark, the only light was a lamp beside the couch, and the tv.

Conner. My mind was on Conner. I hoped that the conversation was going well.

I hated tonight, for two reasons. 1) I was compleatly alone, right now. Mom and dad were out of town, for the weekend, and I was stuck here at home. Normally, I would have hung with Bryan, but he'd moved out, or I'd hang with Conner, but he was busy.

2) Okay, there wasn't really a second reason, but still.

Buzz... Buzz... Buzz...

I picked my phone off the arm of the couch. I flipped it over, Bryan's face was revealed, wih the words: Incoming Video Call - Bryan. I clicked the acept button.

"Heyyy... Bailes," Bryan greeted, a smile plastered all over his face.

"Hey, Bryan," I gretted.

"Okay, so I'll get straight to the point." Bryan moved the video camara around, I saw Hannah in the background. Bryan grabbed Hannah's hand, and faced the camara at her hand. There shinning in the light, was a gorgeaous diamond ring. Then the camara shifted to their aces, they smiled brightly.

"We're engaged!" They both smiled together.

I shook my head. "Wow... wow, that's great." I smiled.

"We know that it's soon, but we relized we loved each other, so... why wait? Right?" Bryan said.

"Yeah, that's great... I'm so glad you told me," At the top of my screen, I got an incoming call from a weird number. "Hey, can I call you back, I'm getting another call..."

"Yeah, sure."

I clicked the hang up button, then clicked the acept button on the call.



"Amy?" I asked.

"Yeah, we need your help, Conner got upset, and he ran out the door. We don't know where he would've went, and we thought maybe you would know where to look. Then we thought, he probably doesn't want to talk to us, so maybe you could go find him, We thought you would have a better chance..."

I shook my head. "Yeah, of course. I'll head out right now. Okay, bye."

"Thankyou, Bailey, good luck."

Then she hung up.

I grabbed my converse, and slipped them on. Then I slipped my hoodie on. I ran to the door, and ran into the night.

Where would he go? Where would he go? I kept repeating that question over and over in my head.

Memories flashed through my head. When Conner and Bryan were younger they used to play at this playground all of the time. And, of course, I would tag-along. Then as time went on, and they grew up, and stopped going to the playground, Conner used it as a thinkspot. He told me about this a few months back. So maybe he was there, maybe.

I ran as fast as my legs would carry me. I could finally see the playground. The playground had castles on either side, and a wiggly bridge connecting them. There on the bridge was a shadow. His back to me, as he stood there, in the moonlight.

I climbed the steps to the top of the playground.

I wrapped my arms around Conner's waist. "Hey," I whispered.

"Hey," he whispered back. "My parents sent you, didn't they?"

"Well... not exactl-"

"Bailey," he said flatly.

I moved to his side. He leaned against the railing, his arms folded, holding him against it. I did the same potion. "Yes."

"I knew it." He sighed.

I pushed some hair from my face. "Can we forget about yourr parents for two seconds?" I asked.

"Okay. What do you want to talk about instead?"

I had a planned conversation in my head, but it wasn't the best so lets try.

"Okay, imagine we were on a skyscraper-"

"A skyscraper?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Yes, a skyscraper. Now let me finish, okay?" He nodded, as I continued, "Imagine that we were standing on the highest balcony, hundreds of feet in the air, okay?" I croushed down and slid through the bars of the railing. I stood back up. I stood on the outside of the railing, my feet under the railing on the bridge. I gripped the top of the railing, so hard that my nuckles turned white.

"Bailey, what are you doing?" Conner asked.

"Just listen." I closed my eyes. "If we were on a skyscraper, and I was near to jumping, what would you do? If I were to let go in three seconds, what would you do?" I had to really trust Conner, for this. My eyes were still closed tight. "Three, two." I losend my hands. "One." I let go of the railing.

At first, I thought that I was falling, but relized that I wasn't. I opened my eyes, and looked at what had happend.

"I would catch you, that is what I would do," Conner said.

At some point, while my eyes were closed, he had gotten behind me. Then we I let go, I'd fallen right onto his body, as he held us both up.

"And why would you catch me?" I breathed.

"Because I love you, and I would do anything for you."

"Even risk your own life?" I asked.

"Yes," he breathed.

"And that's exactly what your parents were doing, when they gave you too you aunt and uncle to take care of you. They didn't have the funds to care for a baby, so they wanted to give you your best shot. And, I mean, look where you are today. In all honesty, I think they made the right desion. Even if it is hard for you to understand. Am I making any since?" I asked.

He was quiet for a few minnutes. The only sound was the crickets, and the wind blowing through the pipes on the playground.

Then he nodded. " I guess it does make since."

"Good." I smiled. My plan actually worked.

"So you can learnto forgive your parents, and your aunt and uncle, even if it takes time, right?"

He took a deep breathe, and sighed. "Yes."

He pulled us up, and we both got back up, and onto the bridge. We stood their in the middle of the bridge. He caresed my cheeks with his hands, as he ducked down to kissme gentelly.

In that moment, I knew that we could handle what ever life would throw at us, as long as we had each other. We could help each other get through the roughest things, even Conner being hours away, at collage. We could handle, we had each other. And, our love was stronger than all of that. Because, we had each other.


Okay, guys this was it, this was the end of the Tag-Along. It's okay.... Hold your tears, I'm working on the epilogue, so hang in there.
So, you can expect atleast one more update. :-) <3.
Thanks for the support everyone, especially @21CSilva.
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