"What the heck is happening?" I question becoming frustrated.

Suddenly, Ash groans in pain.

"Hazel! Your boyfriend's wimping out!" I call to Hazel.

I don't get an answer.

"Hazel.." I say walking to the front of the truck, but nobody was there.

I rush back to the back, but she isn't there either.

"Guys, Hazel's gone too." I say starting to freak out.

Cade wakes up from his drowsy sleep and blinks a couple of times then murmurs, "what?"

"Something took Hazel and Becca, dumb-" I say but Ash interrupts me.

"Okay, somethings taking us, or the girls."

"Like hell. Anyone touches me and they're going to feel pain." I snap.

"You don't even know what this is, much less how to defeat it." Cade hisses at me.

Then, Ash perks up. He grabs my waist and throws me behind him.

"It's really fast." Ash whispers.

"Silent, fast, non-traceable. What is this thing?" I ask.

"An ahuizotl." Cade whispers.

"A what?" I demand.

"It's a monkey thing. They like human flesh, especially eyes and nails. They live and hunt near water." Cade says quietly.

"Why is it targeting the girls?" Ash snaps.

"Probably different tastes. Nobody's been around here for a while, it's probably really desperate to leave the water." Cade says with a shrug.

"What?" I say loudly.

Cade's eyes get really big and Ash pushed me into the back of the truck.

"Whatever this thing is, it's coming for you. Don't be the hero." Ash demands with serious eyes.

I put my hands up in a surrender position and nod my head. Cade grabs my bow out of my hand and smiles evilly.

"You can't fight without a weapon." He teases.

I smirk at his ignorant comment and tear myself out of Ash's grasp. I run for the front of the truck and grab Hazel's katana. I slide the clean blade out of it's holster, and stay silent and alert. Suddenly, Cade was next to me, grabbing the sword from my grasp.

"Hey!" I protested.

"How do you kill it?" Cade quizzed me.

"Cut off it's head." Cade snapped when I gave him a blank look.

Then, I hear Ash approach us, only it was too quick to be him.

"Ca-" But my legs were swept from underneath me and I was zooming away from the truck.

I punch and kick, but I can't do anything. Suddenly, a branch zooms straight for my face. I break it off of the tree and hit the monkey will all my force. It reluctantly dropped me and turned back towards me. It curled it's body up, and I noticed a human hand on it's tail. Also, a drop of blood was stained on it's lip. Oh no. Suddenly, anger rose up inside me. My limbs were tingling and I was on edge. When the creature charged me, I jumped over it using the branch, hitting it on the top of it's head. I chuckled at it's lack of thought. I then heard a low humming noise. Suddenly, the truck bursted through the trees. I lost track of the monkey. Instinctively I ran for the truck, driven by Ash. As I made eye contact with Cade, something grabbed me from my waist. I was zooming through the trees again. I was loosing sight of the truck, but I had more important issues. The ahuizotl was charging right for the lake. Before I could think of a solution, I was underneath the water and zooming for a cave. I was choking but I couldn't breathe. Whenever I opened my mouth, water would submerge my lungs. I slammed my eyes shut and when I reopened them, there was air. I choked up the water and was suddenly sliding into a wall. I was too busy choking to notice the body that was laying next to me. The monkey stood on it's feet and started chomping down on something. I looked to my right and saw a dead body. I rolled it onto it's back, and there was Becca. Her eyes, teeth and nails were missing. I screamed and the monkey's black, dead eyes were suddenly in front of mine. Then, I felt ice cold fingers on my neck. I felt razor-edged nails sliding across my throat. I held my breath as the monkey examined me. Without warning, it was five feet away, then it went back to it's food. I turned over, relieved. Then I saw Hazel, unconscious. I rushed over to her, and shook her. She sat up quickly and nearly screamed, but I covered her mouth. She hugged me, but then tried to yell again. I pushed my hand on her mouth more firmly, and she whimpered in pain. She showed me her left hand, and there were no fingernails.

"I must've passed out from the pain." She whispers under her breath as she examines her fingers.

"I would've." I say even more quiet.

"Alright. There's only one way in and out. We're in an underwater cave, and I doubt there is going to be help." Hazel ponders.

"Yeah.." I say helplessly.

"Becca was drowned." Hazel adds.

I shiver at the fear of not being able to breathe again. We waited in silence for about fifteen minutes as the monkey finished picking away at it's meal. I sit in terror as I think about how all three of us, Becca, Hazel and I, are all going to share the same fate. Just as the monkey turned his attention towards us, I hear a loud scream from the edge of the tunnel. The monkey shrivels down into a ball and shakes. Then, the scream pauses, and the monkey charges for the entrance.

"It's coming for you!" I scream, warning the other people.

"Sam?" I hear Cade's voice echo through the tunnel.

Suddenly, the monkey was right in front of me. It's mouth was wide open, and it was coming fast. Then, a sword came flying through the air right into the monkey's chest. It's head twitched to the side and it pulled the sword right out of it's chest. Then, Ash and Cade appeared into the light.

"Watch out!" Hazel yells.

Ash uses the wall as a runway and he takes off, doing a flip over the speeding ahuizotl. Then, Ash begins to fight it. Cade rushes over to us, and helps Hazel and I up.

"Where's Becca?" He questions.

Hazel gives me a look, and I gesture towards the ground, where the corps in laying. Cade gives me a pitiful look, and I feel shivers go down my spine, down to my feet. Hazel rushes over to Ash, who is fighting the monkey. He barely dodges it's claws. Ash stabs at it, but keeps missing it's thin, flexible neck. Then, it tackles Ash onto his back. He lets out a loud groan from the pain in his abdomen. Suddenly, a sword is swung and just before the monkey could reach Hazel, the katana slices through it's flesh. Hazel catches the katana and slides it smoothly into her holster. The monkey falls to the ground and doesn't move. Ash approaches Hazel, but then rejects her completely when she goes in to hug him. He smiles, in a joking way and she punches his arm. He wraps his arms around her and carries her out to the tunnel entrance. Cade and I exchange glances, then shake our heads at their stupidity. Cade starts walking, but I stay and stare at Becca's body. Should we take her back? We don't get funerals, or services. In fact, if we get buried after death, it's a special gift. I feel Cade's presence beside me as my eyes get glossy. We lost two members today. We only have six more in Top Class, not counting Cade. We may have finished the hunt, but I failed my mission. Becca and Tanner are the result of that. Mistakes cannot be made in this life. Being careless is being murdered, and being murdered is the end. We fight until death, and then we rest for eternity. That's how it is, that's how it's always been.

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