"Yes, Im sure it wansn't a death eater.."  

Albus poked her back playfully.

"You scared Bexxy?" he sang. She turned around and hit his head with a pillow. 


I looked out the window again. A Pair of dark yet bright eyes peered back at me. I slammed against the back of my chair, later realising it was my dads old owl, Pig. Don't ask about the name, because I really don't get it.

I walked towards the window and opened it enough for the small owl to sweep through, together with a cold breeze. I shivered and closed the window quickley. 

The grey owl perched on my old chair. I moved towards it and he flew into the air. I groaned. Albus watched me jumping around frantically, trying to rip the letter off the old somehow hyperactive owl. 

"Arghhhh!" I jumped up trying to catch him. Many people were turning to see what the commotion was all about. Soon, Bex joined me jumping up and down to catch the fluttering owl. This would be rather easier with a broomstick. 

Albus was practically rolling on the floor laughing, as were many others. Bex stopped and looked down on him, hands on her hips:

"Well aren't you going to help?!" She turned back to trying to catch the owl with me. Pig sat on an old chair near to where I was. I crept slowly towards him. 

A small hand snatched the letter and stuck it out towards me. 

"Here Rose." Hugo smiled and walked away. I rolled my eyes and opened the letter. It was probably from mom congratulating me on how I was prefect. I barely recived the news but she surely knew already. Possibly because she decided to come and visit McGonagall.

Most people now a days talked through wand-phone or scrappy paper, where you wrote something down on one side of a paper and the person with a copy gets the message.  But Mom liked writing, she thought it was 'noble' and a 'classic method' and dad was too lazy to listen to me when I tried to explain how modern communication worked, and just agreed with my mom, because 'Mione is always right, Rosie'.

I flipped the folded parchment open and scanned the message.

'Dear Harry, 

I don't think we need to call a DA meeting. You shouldn't worry about them, Im sure they're fine as long as they have food. 

I think it only is some teenagers, prankin around like we used to. Relax. 

Hermione believes she knows what spell was used so, you know.


Ps. Hermione sends her love to you and Ginny. '

I read this twice. I flipped over the letter. The adress was correct. My name was written on it in my dad's scrawly lettering, and Hogwarts was written underneath. I looked at the letter again puzzledly. Harry? Uncle Harry? Probably. I do not think dad knows that many Harrys. Even if it is a common name.  

Who were 'them'? And 'DA'? 

'They' could be us. I mean we do like food. And Dad believes food can help with everything, even though my Mom thinks his obsession with food should stop.

'I think it only is some teenagers, prankin around like we did'. I wonder what that  means.

Bex peered over my shoulder curiously. I folded the letter quickly. I didn't want her to think I was a snoop. I mean, it wasn't a letter intended to get to me, obviously.

"What is it? Your parents?" she asked reaching for the parchment. 

"Nothing." I stuffed the letter into the envelope and looked around for Pig. He had flown off. Humpf. I was probably going to have to go to the owlery now. Oh Joy.  The bloody owl couldn't stay a minute?

James danced past with his friend, his square black glasses almost falling off him nose. Those glasses, which reminded me of Uncle Harrys' used to give him a more serious look. They didn't do that now. They were just an unconvinient accesory. His hair was a mess- as always. 

"Oi Red! Have ye seen Beth?" he asked looking at me. He laughed and I looked down to see if I had stepped into one of his pranks. Nothing. 

"No.." I said suspichiously. He laughed again and Michelangelo, his friend replied something about 'Funny specs'. 

Roxanne dashed in after James like if something had bit her. Then Fred followed her, almost making Roxxane fall in the process. Probably up to some new prank. 

"Al? Can I borrow Elyott?" I asked sweetly. Eylott was Albus's owl; he was white mixed with grey. His dad had bought him it because he used to have a white owl which died, called Hedwig. Since neither me or Hugo had an owl- which was quite inconvinent, (I mean, why would you want a ferrett, Hugo?!) I always borrowed someones. In this case, Albus's.

He flipped his hair out of his eyes, nodded and went back to writing. 

I walked down the steps to the owlery and looked around. Elyott was perched on a low branch thing, as if expecting me. His yellow eyes achnoleged me and he such out his black leg so I could tie the letter to him. 

He cawed and flapped his wings, flying off into one of the holes in the stone wall. I pulled my robes around me tighter. It was always so cold here. 

Finally I noticed a figure who was also sending off an owl. He turned around and I held back a groan.

'Hi Rose." Scorpius said, swaggering over to me. If he thinks that looks cool, he is horribly mistaken. It looks like a three headed dog bit his leg.

'Hello Scorpius.' I said rather coldly; I mean I'm not saying, I have ignored you for the past 4 years why can't you just leave me alone?, to him now am I?

"Sending an OWL to your parents?" He asked casually.Our parents were like, arch enimies. At least, our dads were. I nodded. It wasn't worth lying about. 

"Congratulations on being a prefect, by the way." He added, smuiling polietly. He ran his hand through his hair and looked to the side.

"Thanks." I muttered. I'm not really sure I'm pleased about it. I chewed on the inside of my cheek uneasily.

"So, you like reading right?" Scorpius asked out of the blue. iI shook my head confusedly.

"Well- yes. But I rather prefer magical realms and stuff than old boring History Textbooks." Unlike my mother, I felt like adding. Scorpius nodded intently.

"You should try reading 'The Glamorous of Spells'." Scorpius suggested. I noticed a book in his hand, and he lifted it up. Indeed it was A Glamour Of Spells (rubbish name, if you ask me). 

"I'm reading i now," he explained. "My mother got it for me, and I find it intresting. Thought you might like it. Well, I'll be off then. Bye."

And he climbered up the stairs of the owlery, leaving me alone in the open space, surrounded my owls. Okay then. Suddenly Scorpius Malfoy becomes friendly. Well, I suppose he never was mean, only well. Okay, maybe he was rather annoying.Before. But I never talked to him?

My footsteps echoed around the corridor. I looked around at the tapestrys hanging from the walls and the armors and paintings. I heard other footsteps down the hall, deciding to ignore them. They grew louder and faster. 

I rounded the corner to find Beth, almost slamming into me. He cheeks were flushed and her long blonde hair bounced against her back as she braked and turned around, her silver ribbon flashing in the light. 

"Rose? Oh I'm so sorry! I'm just kinda.. Energetic at the moment." Her brown eyes were shining. I wondered what had happened to make her so joyfull. Probably something brilliant involving boys, if I knew Bethany.

She turned aroumd and started walking off. 

"Oh! Beth!" I called after her,"James was looking for you!"

She smiled and replied, 

"I found him already." Continuing down the hallway, towards where I assumed the Ravenclaw tower was. 

Roses on the Sidewalk {HP}Where stories live. Discover now