"But that's ridiculous!" Tom exclaimed.

"Let's just leave him for a bit, maybe he'll come around." Siva sighed, admitting defeat.

He did not come around. It's been one month and he only came out of his room once and even then he made sure no one was in. The only reason we know is because we noticed some food was missing. We have tried to make sure at least one person is in the room at all times just in case something happens. Although we can't leave certain people alone here now. It's been killing us all, hearing him cry through the walls and not being able to do anything or even comfort him. I'm constantly worried about what he's doing to himself or whether he'd take it too far. The only reason we know he's still there is because he makes the effort to say at least one word to us a day just so we know that he's breathing.

Tom can't stand to be in the room, Max has started drinking a lot to cope, Siva doesn't speak very much at all and I just write songs, they're rubbish and will never be used but it is something to distract me from what is happening and a way for me to express myself. However yesterday, when I was sat listening to Nathan sob for about an hour, I snapped. I picked up my phone (yes I actually had one at the time) and called his mother, Jenny and told her everything that had happening. She broke down a little and was furious at us for not telling her anything but it didn't cross my mind or any of the other boys' for that matter. Eventually, she said she'd be down here as soon as she could and honestly, the sooner the better because we were all genuinely worried about what Nathan may do to himself.

Earlier today, I got a text from Jen stating that she was just coming out of the airport and on her way to us. When I found out this, I grabbed any alcohol in the room and hid it then forced Max into the shower, I called Tom to bring him round which he reluctantly agreed to and I told Siva who simply nodded and returned to his thoughts. I went over to Nathan's room and knocked on his door rather loudly in order to get his attention.

"Nathan, your Mum is coming today." I said softly.

"She is?" I heard a hoarse voice say from far away. A fragment of a smile emerged on my face when I heard his voice sounding every so slightly optimistic but it was soon wiped away when I remembered the harsh reality of what is happening.

"Yes she is. Are you going to come out for her?" I asked hopefully.

"I don't... I don't know..." He trailed off so I decided to leave him be. This was our last shot I figured, what else would get him to come out? Surely only Lexi and what chance did we have of ever finding her? None of us apart from Nathan really knew or liked Lexi but right now I didn't care about anything I just wished she was here. Nathan had always had a habit of picking the broken girls although never to her extent, sometimes I want to hate her because of what she has done to her but then I remember that it isn't her fault. She's just a girl that got mixed up in something and that happened to drag Nathan into it.

It wasn't long before there was a knock at the door and I opened it to let Jenny hurtle in. Jenny was like my mother too, I'd never had the best relationship with my Mum and when I told her that I was leaving for a band, she didn't accept it and told me to get out of her life. That was a tough time and Jenny picked me up and helped me get over it and the only was I felt that I could repay her for that is by protecting Nathan but it turns out I am awful at doing that. However at the present moment I couldn't care less that she didn't really want to talk to me because I just wanted Nathan back as soon as possible, as did she.

"What room? Where is he?" She said quickly. I raised my hand quickly and pointed to the door, knowing not to slow things down with the formality of greetings. She rushed over, only stopping for a moment to glance at Max.

"Max George, get yourself together." She said sternly before finishing her rush towards Nathan's door.

"Nathan, baby? It's me, I'm here. Let me in." I waited impatiently while listening to quiet movements followed by the sudden click of the lock and the door opening very slightly. Relief washed over me like a wave but I wasn't prepared to see what remained of Nathan so I turned away as Jenny walked inside.

Nathan's POV

The door opened further and sunlight flooded into the pitch black room. As soon as she walked into the room, my Mum spared no time in pulling me into a huge hug. We stayed motionless for what seemed like an eternity before she released me, shut the door and turned on the light. It hadn't even been a second before she gasped. I followed her gaze down to my arms which looked more red than white and I got lost for a moment following the lines in their various directions.

"What have you done?" She gasped. She gently pulled me towards her and repeated herself in a whisper.

"I'm sorry. I need help." I broke down and it all became too much. I had no energy inside of me due to the extreme lack of food in my system and the urge to grab a knife was irrepressible however my Mum was here so it's not like I could.

"Nathan Sykes you silly boy. You've not even been cleaning up your cuts! What if they got infected? No one could have come in here to check on you. You are 20 years old for God's sake, be more responsible!" It sounded harsh however but it was obviously out of concern and the need to be forceful to get her point across.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled, not wanting to press her in any way.

"Now you are going to go for a shower, put on some clean clothes, clean up your cuts, get some food and come and see the boys."

"But I-"

"Not a word, do you hear me? Not a word." She said, pointing a finger at me and using the other hand to press me forwards towards the bathroom door. I did indeed get a shower and got changed but I couldn't bring myself to clean up my cuts because each one, now numb, hurt when I tried to clean them, my Mum heard my efforts and came into help me. When we had finished, I was crying slightly because of the pain and because I was, my mum was too. I pulled her in for a hug and we stood together for a while.

"I've missed you." I whispered.

"Oh shush you, you'll make me cry." She said, waving me off dismissively.

"You're already crying though." I said truthfully.

"I... Go see the boys already!" She laughed.

I reluctantly pulled open the door slowly and stepped out. Siva was looking off into the distance, Tom was sat staring down at the floor, Max looked like he was pondering something deep and meaningful and Jay was pacing. I cleared my throat subtly and their heads snapped towards me.

"Hey." Jay said softly, smiling happily.

"Come on then." I joked, beckoning them over with a hand gesture and they all hopped over and we had a big group hug.

"You're going to be fine." Someone said, muffled by the many bodies. Maybe I will be, maybe I won't...

There you go!

Remember to vote and comment because those things make my day I'm serious and they always give me inspiration to continue!

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