Chapter Eleven

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When Levy came to, she was laying in a familiar bed, surrounded by familiar voices. “Wh-where am I?” Her voice sounded strange, rough, as though she had been screaming.

“Levy!” Jet and Droy both shouted with joy, grabbing her hands. “We were so worried about you!” “Where have you been?”

“Where's Gajeel?” She asked, becoming more aware of her surroundings. Nearly the entire guild was standing over her bed...all but Gajeel.

“He's out looking for you,” Natsu said. “You've been missing for two weeks.”

“What?!” Levy sat up. “That can't be.”

“Alright, everyone,” Master Makarov said, opening the infirmary room door, “we need to give Levy some time to rest. She's been through a lot, and doesn't need all of you suffocating her with questions.” Everyone reluctantly left, leaving only Pantherlily and the master behind. “Do you remember what happened to you, Levy?” Master asked.

“N-no. I remember sneaking into Elite Helix with Gajeel and Lily, and getting separated. After that, there's nothing.”

“You were being controlled by Himiko Kamiru,” Lily told her. “You even attacked Gajeel and I.”

“I did what?! I-I don't remember any of that.” Levy's eyes filled with tears. “I'm so sorry.”

“Don't be. You were being manipulated.”

“Levy, you understand how drastic this situation is, don't you? I'm sorry, but we'll need to watch you closely, just to make sure Himiko isn't still controlling you,” Master said.

“I feel fine, but I understand. I'm sorry to have caused everyone so much trouble.”

“Don't worry about it. You just focus on recovering, my dear.” Master smiled at her before leaving her alone with Lily.

“Lily, I'm so sorry,” Levy told him. “If I hurt you--”

“Don't apologize. I'm just relieved that you've safely returned to the guild.”

“Could,” Levy paused, “could you find Gajeel please, and let him know that I'm alright?”

“Of course. I'll let you rest now.”

“Thanks Lily,” Levy smiled. He nodded, shutting the door behind him.

“Good job, little fairy.”


Gajeel had rushed back to the guild as soon as Lily had found him, telling him that Levy had returned. It had taken the Exceed all night to find him, so it was already into the afternoon by the time Gajeel threw open the doors of the guildhall. There she was. Levy sat peacefully next to Lucy. Although she was covered in bandages, she seemed to be alright, much to his relief.

“Shrimp, come with me.” Gajeel grabbed Levy's arm, pulling her away from the protesting group and led her into the infirmary. He closed and locked the door behind them, not wanting the annoyance of the rest of the guild.

“What are you doing?” Levy demanded, crossing her arms and frowning at him. In response, he smacked her gently on the head, tsking at her. “Hey, don't just hit people--”

Without thinking, Gajeel had pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly. “Don't ever disappear like that again, got it?”

“Y-yeah,” Levy stammered.

Realizing with a start what he was doing, Gajeel quickly released her. He cleared his throat in embarrassment. “Where have you been? When you left with Himiko, it was like you just disappeared!” Tsk. Changing the subject isn't going to change what I just did. Damn. Her face is really red. It's kind of... cute. He shook the thought immediately from his mind. “Well?” He pressed, desperate to change the subject.

“I don't know where I've been, or how I even got back to Fairy Tail. One minute I was leaving you and Lily while you fought in Elite Helix, and the next minute I was waking up in the infirmary.”

“Himiko was with you. What happened to her?”

“I don't know.”

“How did you escape from her?”

“I told you, I don't know anything!” Levy's outburst surprised him. “I'm sorry, I just don't remember what happened.” Gajeel felt like kicking himself when tears streaked Levy's face. “Lily told me that I attacked you, too. I didn't mean to hurt anyone, or cause the guild so much trouble.”

“Don't,” he cursed, wishing he were better with words, “don't cry. It's fine.”

“It's not fine!” Levy shouted. “I did horrible things, and I don't even remember! If Himiko was controlling me, then it's hard to tell what she made me do these passed two weeks, or how many other people I've hurt!” She sat on the bed, wiping defeatedly at her tears.

Gajeel sat next to her, patting her on the head. “You don't need to cry over something like that. That devil-woman is to blame for everything, so just try not to worry. Once you're recovered you can focus on trying to get your memory back, but for now, don't let it get to you. We'll get Himiko. I promise, she'll answer for what she did to you.” The anger in his voice surprised even himself. It wasn't far from how angry he actually was. When I find Himiko, I'll kill her.

“Thanks,” Levy smiled, sniffling. “I'm glad you're here.”

Gajeel felt his face grow uncomfortably hot, so he jumped off the bed, wanting to put distance between them. Seeing that she didn't seem to be under Himiko's control anymore, a weight lifted from his chest. Feeling her gaze on him, he headed for the door, not liking how fidgety he was. “I'm glad you're safe.”

So....??? What do you think so far?? :D This is one of my favorite chapters. Gajeel is so CUTE!! X3

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