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I walked through the hallway of STAR Labs, determined. I knew Barry was here, I had heard Iris talking on the phone with Cisco about Barry last night. I ran into Barry absentmindedly, who was coincidentally leaving the laboratories. 

"Rory?" He asked, a confused tone.

"Barry." I replied, smiling.

"What are you doing here...?"

"Well, Iris told me what happened.."

He looked at me wide-eyed.

"Eddie dying...?" I continued.

He nodded slowly, understanding now.

"And I wanted to see if you were okay." 

He nodded again. "Yeah. Y-yeah, I'm fine."

"Barry.." I began. "I have a degree in psychology. During my college years and afterwards, I picked up some skills. I'm a great lie detector. And Barry, right now you are full of it."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm okay, Rory. Don't worry. Even if I'm not, I will be."

I sighed, and nodded reluctantly. I knew that once a stubborn person made up their mind, that was the end of it. 

"Alright, Barry." I said, touching his arm comfortingly.

I pulled it back hastily, feeling a spark after touching him. I'm not talking about figurative sparks, like the ones girls get in romance novels, I'm talking about an actual electric jolt.

"Bye, Barry.." I said, before he could ask.

I hurried home, planning in my head to keep an eye on Barry Allen.


When I said I would keep an eye on Barry, I meant it. Using my skills as a psychologist and from my past life, I payed attention to the excuses he gave, picked up when he was lying, and then discreetly following him. 

After some time, I came to the realization that Barry Allen was The Flash.

I figured this out after seeing Barry go to STAR Labs, and seeing the red streak I knew as Central City's superhero leave the same building. Pairing that with Barry being struck by lightning, and his whole acting-weird afterwards thing, as well as how I have the same powers after being struck by lightning, I came to the conclusion that he was the superhero.

I wasn't mad, of course, I knew why he didn't tell me. For starters, we weren't that close. And, he obviously didn't tell the people he was close to because he wanted to keep them safe. I got that. So, I didn't bring it up. 

The only person I told that I knew was Iris. I still didn't tell her about my powers, knowing that she would want me to become a vigilante like Barry. But, I didn't want that. Central City already had a superhero.

Iris began to fill me in on everything that has happened within Team Flash. She told me about Dr. Wells, as well as the real reason Eddie died. She also told me that Barry was beating himself up about it, since Ronnie was actually the one that closed the singularity, but Central City believed it was the Flash that saved them.

Iris wanted me to talk to Barry about going to Flash Day, but after reminding her that he didn't know that I knew his secret, she agreed to go talk to him instead. Turns out, he's been spending his off-time repairing buildings that were destroyed by the singularity.

I, of course, would be attending Flash Day. I wouldn't be near the crowd, however. I didn't need to nor want to be seen by Cisco or any of Team Flash. Apparently Caitlin works at Mercury Labs and won't talk to any of the others, but I had a feeling she would still make an appearance.

Iris' pep talk worked, as The Flash showed up to receive his key to the city from the mayor. Not everyone was happy to see the Flash, as something went barreling towards him in the mayor. While Barry moved the people in the way to safety, I looked around for the person responsible, who was obviously a meta human. 

I did indeed find him, and saw him walking away. Making sure no one saw me, I sped towards him, and yelled at him. As he turned around, I threw a punch at him. Unsurprisingly, he was expecting that, and grabbed my hand, breaking it instantly, and then punching me.

I was tired of playing the victim that always get knocked unconscious, so before I did so, I threw myself on top of him, catching him by surprise and throwing him to the ground. 

It was pointless, but gave Cisco and Joe time to prepare 'the boot', which I heard them talking about in the precinct. Right before they fired it, he threw me with extreme force, making me hit my head on the wall nearest to me. Pairing that with a broken hand and the punch he landed earlier, I knew that there was no way I could fight the unconsciousness and possible concussion coming, and so, my eyelids closed.

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