Role of a Lifetime

Start from the beginning

"I'm getting them in texts too. It's a long story that I don't have time to explain since I'm getting ready to go film."

"I love you, sis, but I'd suggest not coming home. It's dangerous for both of us. The cops are conducting an investigation over here, but I don't want you getting hurt. They think it's the work of 1 person. If after you're done with all the filming stuff, you can't find anywhere to stay, you're always welcome back, but please try to be safe."

"But you're all I have, Stephen. Literally."

"I know. I know. You're all I have too, but I care about your safety. If it's too big of a difficulty for everyone there, have them call me."

"Ok." There was a knock on the door to my hotel room. I was talking to Stephen and getting texts for so long I was out of time. I had gotten a shower in at least but I hadn't changed clothes yet. I opened the door still in my pjs. Jared stood there and was about to comment. "Sorry. Come in. Just give me a sec." I told him. He sat on the couch and I went into the bathroom and changed quickly. I went back out, threw my hair in a messy bun and left with Jared.

"Why are you in such a rush? We told you what time to get up."

"My brother called. He's getting threats. It's under investigation, but still. They think the threats are the work of one person."

"Is everything ok with your brother?"

"No. He doesn't want me coming back after this stuff is done so that I stay safe. He's literally all I have though."

"Don't worry about it. We'll take this a day at a time." I nodded. We went to set and I got to watch them film for a while. It was really interesting to see how everything was filmed in order to make it come out how it did on tv. It also made me wonder how an episode ever gets finished because of how much Jared and Jensen goof around. Misha joins in half the time and nothing ever seems to get done. "Hey, can I take a break for a bit? Sarah's been getting threats because we picked her and we need to change her number so they'll leave her alone." Jared asked the director and producer.

"Yeah, of course, Jared. It sounds serious. We'll just shoot some of Jensen's shots."

"Thanks." He came over to me and we headed to the phone store. It was really easy to switch numbers and I texted my brother and a few friends that I changed my number before going back to set. They filmed a couple scenes before we all sat down to discuss my part.

"So what am I playing?" I asked.

"A human. Originally we were thinking a walk on role like having you play a girl in a gas station or something simple, but then we were thinking, what about a past love interest of one of the boys? Like a flashback to a younger time. We were thinking one of the boys has a flashback of a girl they used to love back when they were just about your age. We were going to have a love interest this upcoming season anyways. All three of the guys seem to really take a liking to you. We can work you into a bit of a stronger role." The producer suggested.

"I'm not an actress though."

"I'm sure you'll do fine. We'll work with you on it. I'm sure the guys can help. We were thinking a past love interest for Sam because it's easier to work it in with the plot we have going, but if you're really a Dean girl, we can try to make that work." He assured me. He wanted me to be comfortable in a role.

"I- I don't know." I replied shyly.

"Sarah, I know you're a Sam girl. Why don't you just go for it?" Jared suggested.

"Because of the texts ok? They already think I'm into you. It's gonna make it worse. I'd love to do the role but it's not worth the torment you're gonna get. Being a Dean love interest is just as bad because they think he's trying to protect me, his precious baby. There is no role that will avoid all this. Excuse me, I need some air." I got up and walked outside. I went and sat on the steps to my trailer. I didn't want to deal with it and I felt pressured to take a stronger role.

"Sarah?" Misha asked as he came closer.


"I'm sorry I've been ignoring you."

"Don't be. It hasn't been about you. You didn't feel the need to get involved and that's fine."

"It is about me though. I'm the one who made the competition. I contemplated just letting you have the prize along with whoever truly won, but that would imply even more favoritism. I didn't know it would turn into this." He assured me.

"I know that. I want the role really bad but I don't want to screw up your lives. It's gonna screw up Jared's especially."

"Why are you so concerned about Jared? Not bad, just wondering. We're all big stars to you."

"He and I talked quite a bit when we started the week of the competition about our lives and everything. He and I are friends now and I kinda consider us close friends." I explained.

"Makes sense. What I say is, if you really want to do the role, do it. If he was too worried about it, he wouldn't have said to." I nodded and went back inside with Misha. I sat back down at the table where everyone was.

"If you don't want to do it, you don't have to." The producer told me.

"Jared, are you sure it's ok?" I asked.

"Yeah. Go for it." I nodded.

"I'll do it."

"Ok. We'll give you the script in a few minutes and we'll start filming your shots this weekend. Sound good?"

"Wait, but I was supposed to be done on Friday. That was all I booked my hotel room for. I don't have enough money to extend it." I added.

"Sarah, don't worry about it. I'll cover it. I'll do it out of my paycheck." Jensen offered.

"I could never ask you to do that, Jensen."

"You aren't asking me to. I want to."

"Thanks." He returned a smile with his cross eyes. I couldn't help but laugh.

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