"I thought I told you to surprise me with food if you ever come over unannounced," Lauren said, holding back any excitement in her tone. She had happiness welling inside of her, but she didn't really know why. Maybe it was the attention she was receiving. It always made her feel strange.

"It's a beautiful day. I thought we could go get some ice cream," he stated simply, letting himself into the entrance.

"Aye, brother-in-law!" Ally greeted with a friendly wave, spotting him almost immediately. The rest of the girls joined in greeting him, sounding like a chorus.

Zayn just politely smiled. "Hey, I was wondering of you girls want to go out for ice cream?"

The four looked at one another and then at Lauren who stood behind Zayn, awkwardly avoiding eye contact. A disarming smile appeared on Camila's face and the rest caught on.

"Nah, I'm more of a froyo type of gal," Dinah quipped, flashing her own menacing grin before signalling Normani to continue.

"We're good. You two go and enjoy." Normani managed to say with a stiff smile. If it was up to her, she'd pounce at the offer. She was awfully craving on such a sunny day, but she couldn't intervene on a date.

"Are you sure?" Zayn asked them, brows arched as he felt like something was off with their act.

Camila merely scoffed and waved in dismissal. "We're sure. Now, get your butts out of here before all the ice cream in LA melt." Catching Lauren's sharp and all too knowing glare, she casts her a flirtatious wave.

Lauren rolled her eyes and fetched her jean jacket from the coat rack, patting her pockets for any signs of her phone. She can't go anywhere without it, of course. Although, she wasn't keen on the the impromptu date, she really couldn't find it in her heart to turn Zayn down. He looked so bright and she didn't want to grey his day.

"Just the two of us, then?" He motioned between them, smiling a tad smaller than before. However, it was more sincere and warm, making Lauren feel comfortable in his presence.

"Yup!' she piped, popping her 'p'.

"You must be happy to have Zaddy all to yourself, mami..." He cackled, opening the door before her friends could mercilessly tease them for uttering such embarrassing terms of endearment.

"Oh dear god. That is gross. Please, stop."

Lauren rubbed her temples, ashamed she was the one who even suggested the idea. She followed him out the door and cut off the onslaught of gags the remaining four were gusting their way.

"But you have to admit, mami is kind of cute." Zayn playfully nudged her with his elbow as they strolled side by side to the elevators.

Again, her eyes rolled, but the smile on her face defied what feeling she wanted to portray.

"Nope," Lauren popped her 'p' again. It was becoming a habit now.

For the sake of teasing her, Zayn copied the sound with a faint laugh. "Welp! I like it and I'm going to continue calling you that."

"What? No," she seethed, glaring at his back when they entered the elevator. "And stop copying me." Her lower lip jutted out, moping as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Zayn watched her every move, the smile on his lips growing wider and wider. Soon, the ends reached his eyes until they were nothing but sparkling crescents. Lauren always gave an intimidating aura. Hell, he was nervous to even approach her at the bar in London. Seeing a different side of her, especially a side so cute, was rewarding. But as he stared at her, his thoughts raced. She was awfully adorable tipsy. It made their night more memorable, to say the least.

brilliant discovery • zauren Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon