Chapter 13

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I got to a lawyer and she was the best in town. She's helped many people who were convicted of murder but were innocent. I know she'd help me. I walked in. "Hello?"

"Mr.Burns." She stood up and shook my hand. "Nice to meet you I'm Mrs.Kell...I'm your lawyer"

"....Well nice to meet you." I sat down. And looked at her as she smiled. "You know I've been looking through your case. And I see that you....have a huge criminal record as a kid but now you're a man....and you stopped. stopped for Blake."

"Because I love him.....but I bet he doesn't love me..."

"Don't tell anyone about your love for him.... especially now...if someone found out that you loved him and he didn't love you that they think you killed him for that."

"Yeah, ok....."

"I'm only worth $4,000"

"I'm can pay that." With what money.

"Wait you said, Mrs.Kell"

"'s going to be Ms.Will soon since I'm divorcing my husband"

I froze looking at her. "Hehe....yeah. thanks again" I shook her hand leaving. "Oh shit oh shit oh shit...."


*Blake pov*

The voices swirled in my head as I got colder in the ice water. The man Puts in more ice as my lips trunk blue. I freeze through it all. "He's strong....he still won't break....."

"Well break him....put more drugs in his system"

"If I keep putting drugs in him he'll die.....shit I might have to strangle him then bring him resetting a stupid ass phone"

I shake looking around in the darkroom with one strong bright light shining on me.


*Matt Pov*

I was walking the streets with groceries before I felt a grab and someone pulling me in an ally way. I look to see Levi beat up. "What the hell!?" I said.

"You gotta hide....look, after us.....they got Blake and they are trying to kill gotta hide..."

"Wait, Blake is in danger.....we gotta"

Before I knew it I hear a gunshot and Levi fell to the ground. A man stands there with a smoking gun. My eyes widen and I dropped the grocery bag running as fast as I can.

I got home and called Amy. She picked up the phone and I told them about everything. We went back in the ally way and not even a drop of blood was found. "Next time don't call without me," Mrs.Kell said.


"Is this a joke?" Amy asked.

"No, Levi Kell told me that people are after us and someone shot him"

"What, I just saw Levi at my house a few minutes ago he was fine.....oops," Mrs.Kell said covering her mouth.

Amy crossed her arms and tapped her foot. "I'm not crazy it happened. I swear...."

"Go home, Matt....." Amy said. I sighed and went home.


I stayed up all night. Not able to sleep. Once it turned 5 am everything went black before I knew it Angel was waking me up. "Huh, what?!"

She looked pissed. "Where are all Blake's things?"


"The house is missing all his things.....Look" I stood up and saw the house was robbed but.....only Blake's things were gone. I looked around the house and held my head. "What the fuck...."

Angel pushed me a little and I heard a small noise pass me and a bullet hit the wall next to my head. We both ducked down. "You aren't crazy!?!?!"

"No shit sherlock" we crawl as soon over 100 gunshots hit the house. One hit my side and I yelled. "Oh shit...Oh, fuck...." I held my side bleeding badly.

Angel looked around and pushed me into a closet. "Angel?"

".......I love you." She locked the door. I tried to get out but it was locked from the outside. The gunshots continued......then silence.

Footsteps went around the whole house went quiet. "Shit he escaped......"

There was more than 1 person. "Shit did we kill the girl?"

"Nah.....if she bleeds out then she'll be dead......"

"Might as well try to find Matt for the cash"

I took my phone out and recorded them talking. "Yeah Levi better pay every dime or I'll kill his precious little Blake toy"

"Damn, I can't believe we are gonna stage him for all this"

"We better shut up, before this bitch hears us" I head one of them kick something on the floor. I cover my mouth breathy heavy. I felt tears well up. "Let's go" they leave.

I call 911 banging on the door. "Angel?....Angel!?!" I can't lose my sister too, please not her.....Angel....."ANGEL!!!!"

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