Chapter 8

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I held my cheek. I shook as Levi left the room. I held my cheek and sat down. He ......Did he hit me?

That's what pops in my head. I was frightened if he hits me once.....He'll do it again. I sat there for a few minutes before I headed back to my class.


Last hour of school I packed up to get ready to leave. But my door opens and I jump. "Woah Woah it's only me teach....why so jumpy," Matt said walking in. He closed the door behind him.

"No reason, I'm leaving"

"Hey wait!" He grabbed my hand.

"Please let me go!" He jumped.

"No, no I just can't. I'm glued to you....."

I looked at his hand. "Oh, you bastard!" He had glue on his hand and mine. I try to rip us apart. "Please not today!!!"

"Well, there is a glue remover at my house."

".....I'm going to kill you. If anyone sees our hands together like this we are dead!"

"Well you are, not me" I gave a mean look. "Ok us then"

I opened the door a little and saw no one in the hall. I pulled on Matt making sure no one saw us. Once I got to the car I had to drive with one hand because of him.


I looked at my hand, free from Matts's. I lay in my bed looking out the window. I sighed sitting up slowly when my phone got a text. Its.....Levi.....

Levi: Leave your door unlocked.

Me: Why?

Levi: Ask me another question and you'll regret it.


Levi: Good boy

I shook when he said that. I got up slowly and unlocked my door. I went back to my bed and hid under the covers. I was shaking, and I don't know why.

I heard the door open and I froze stiffly. The feeling of hands-on body sent chills up my spine. "You've been a bad boy lately.......don't you think you need a punishment?"

I couldn't control my breathing and I kept quiet. "Didn't I ask you a question!?"


"Good boy" He pulled the cover off and pinned me to the bed. I thrash and try to break free. He ripped my shirt off. "N-No I don't wanna do this!!!!"

"Shut it....." he pulled on my shorts and I kicked him. He fell back, I got up and tried to run but Levi pulled me making me fall and hit my head, all went black.


I woke up in another person's bed. Wearing a nightgown, all soothing, and the comfy bed. I sigh trying to remember what happened. Then I remembered and the door open and Levi stands there drinking coffee. "Morning....."


"You still have your virginity right?"

"What's that to you?!"

"Unless you want a punishment I'd....."

"I'd do what, you can't boss me around I don't belong to....." I was stopped when he punched me. I held my nose as it bleeds, he takes his belt off.

"You need a punishment.....that mouth..... needs to learn"

My eyes widen.

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