Chapter 12

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Louis: Oh you found me.

Harry: Did you kill anyone?

Louis: Of course. It's thrilling.

Shae: I thought you couldn't kill.

Louis: It took me awhile but I'm not a pussy.

Niall: You were right. He would come back here.

Emily: Maybe Shae has a secret finding Louis powers. I wish you had them earlier.

Louis: Where's Liam?

Harry: Crap! I'll text him. (Ten minutes later Liam shows up.)

Liam: How long have you been here?

Harry: Um. Just ten minutes...

(Liam can see Harry is lying.)

Louis: Yep. He forgot you. Be my hunting partner, Lad.

Harry: He would never.

Liam: But you did forget me. It would be so much easier to just give in to temptation.

Harry: You can't be serious about going with him.

Liam: Let me just try Louis' way for awhile and I'll see what I prefer.

Louis: That's smart.

Harry: No, it's not.

Shae: Louis... (Louis sees that Shae cares for him. His evil smirk wipes off his face. He realizes he has feelings for her.)

Liam: Come on Louis. Let's go. (Louis focuses back on Liam and his evil smirk returns. Liam and Louis walk out of the cave together.)

Harry: Great, the strongest two have left the group.

Niall: I've had human blood, I'm stronger than before.

Harry: Alright Niall is our greatest asset. We're doomed.

Niall: Hey! (They go back to the cave in the mausoleum.)

Harry: Now what are we going to do?

Emily: I know Louis' weakness.

Harry: What is it?

Emily: Shae. I saw the way he looked at Shae. He cares about her.

Harry: We've been there. She got turned last time. We should just give up.

Emily: No don't say that. Not you too.

Harry: Liam had a point. It would be easier.

Niall: Don't go.

Harry: I'll think about it. (Harry goes outside and sits on the steps of the mausoleum.)

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