Chapter 3

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(Louis steps on a grave. Harry freaks out.)

Harry: Have you no respect for the dead?

Louis: We are the dead, Harry.

Harry: Have you not respect for yourself?

Louis: WE'RE DEAD! Who cares?

Emily: Um, I do. And a lot of fans.

Louis: Right. But they can't know we're alive. We died.

Liam: This is going to mess with their emotions.

Niall: Well we are vampires. We could kill them and then there would be no emotions to mess up.

Emily: You're kidding, right?

Harry: Instead we should turn them into vampires.

Emily: Oh no. What have I done?

Louis: Yea. You turned the most idiotic boy band into vampires.

Emily: I wasn't trying to turn you into vampires. It was a mistake!

Niall: I'm hungry.

Emily: Classic Niall... Oh... Wait that's bad.

Harry: No, Niall. We're not like that. We'll just have to eat animals.

Niall: Fine. But can we find some now?

(They all look around and find a group of rats in a corner. They feast on the rats while Emily looks away disgusted at the sight.)

Louis: This is your fault. You can't complain.

Liam: How are we going to go out without anyone seeing us and spreading the word that we're back from the dead?

Emily: How about underneath the mausoleum? They do it in Buffy.

Louis: Ok. We can do that.

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