Chapter 8

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Liam: Guys! He's gone! What are we going to do?

Emily: Yikes. The band without Louis. That can't be good. (Shae laughs.)

Shae: Well let's look for him. It just got dark he can't be far.

(They all run outside and split up looking for him.)

Shae: Louis! Where are you? We can help you. Please don't kill anyone.

Louis: (Leaning up against a gravestone.) I'm right here. Shh. I just needed to come outside. It's more peaceful. Come sit by me. (Shae sits next to him.)

Shae: Shouldn't we tell the others you're fine?

Louis: No. I want to sit in peace longer talking to you.

Shae: Me?

Louis: Yea. You got anything better to do?

Shae: Well no but my mom will worry if I don't get back home soon.

Louis: You're an adult. You should be able to stay out as long as you want. Right?

Shae: Right. I guess she'll be fine. I can tell her I'm sleeping over at Emily's.

Louis: That's right. You can. So are you?

Shae: Yea! (Shae pulls out her phone and texts her mom that she's with Emily. When she puts her phone away she looks up to see Louis knelt before her. He pins her to the ground. Shae gasps.)

Louis: Don't worry. I won't kill you. Just let me have a taste.

Shae: How do you know you won't kill me? (She takes a moment to think.) Although I'm not exactly worried I'm too busy being distracted right now. (Louis smirks then bites into her neck while putting his hand over her mouth so no one will hear her scream. She passes out from the pain. When she wakes up she sees Louis curled up in a ball.)

Shae: What happened? Are you okay?

Louis: I tried killing you but I couldn't do it.

Shae: You said you wouldn't kill me.

Louis: I lied. I couldn't do it anyway I freaked out. You were bleeding out a lot so to save you I had to turn you.

Shae: Wait. You made me a vampire?

Louis: Yea. Which technically I did kill you but yea...

Shae: Well I'm proud of you for not completely killing me. I just feel confused.

Louis: About what?

Shae: Well I'm sort of scared but then turned on by you pining me to the ground.

Louis: That's why I used you as bait. I overheard you say that it was really hot that I am a vampire. So I thought you'd be an easy target. But now I feel ashamed for not going through with it. Like it was just a waste.

Shae: No. It's a good thing you didn't go through with it. Don't feel ashamed.

Louis: You know what. I can't do this here. I'm leaving. Bye. (He runs into the woods and disappears.)

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