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A Year Later;

Jessica's POV -

"Jess." my boss shouted out of his office at me.

Well, I say boss, he was also my boyfriend and everyone at work hated that because they thought he favoured me over all the other people he employed; but that wasn't the case and we both knew it wasn't.

"Yes Shaun?" I smiled at him, walking into the office and closing the door behind me as I did so.

"You're going to be photographing The Wanted today. Do you think you'll be able to manage with that one?" Shaun asked sympathetically.

See, I had told him all about me working for The Wanted and the type of relationship me and Nathan had before I started my job here, and he was understanding. The first time the company was hired to do the photography for the boys, I refused to do it, told Shaun I wasn't able to do it because I wasn't ready to face them all again; so he didn't make me do it and he didn't get angry about me refusing to do it either - he understood, and he was there for me when I needed someone to confide in.

I know that, usually, your boss is the last person you would confide in but I didn't have anyone else other than Max, and I wasn't going to tell him how I was feeling. Shaun was my last option and that's how we grew closer to each other before he eventually asked me if I wanted to go on a date with him, deciding it would be rude to refuse, I accepted and it was one of the most amazing nights of my life.

"It's been more than a year now, and they've all moved on. I'm sure I'll be fine with it." I smiled reassuringly at him.

"I just ask because I don't want you to feel like I'm forcing you into something you don't want to do." Shaun replied, standing up from his chair and walking over to me, placing his hands on my waist and pulling me closer to him.

"Honestly, I'll be fine with it. It will be nice to see them all again since the only one I've actually spoken to, and seen, since everything happened is Max." I chuckled.

"As long as there is no funny business and they know you're all mine now." Shaun laughed as he placed a quick kiss on my lips, smiling at the same time.

"I'm sure that, with the mouths of the people who work here, everyone knows about me and you." I smirked before I walked out of the room, resuming what I was doing before I was called into Shaun's office to be told that I was going to be coming face-to-face with the entire of The Wanted for the first time in over a year now.

It's safe to say, I was most definitely nervous and was worried about what was going to happen.


"Erm, hi. I'm here to photograph The Wanted for their new calendar?" I said nervously to the women who was sitting at the desk.

"Yeah, they're not here yet. If you go straight down the corridor, to your left, take the first right and then it's the fourth door on your right. Got it?" she spoke rudely, not taking her eyes off her nails as she continued to even them out while chewing her gum at the same time; it was like someone had taken her straight out of a horror movie and placed her behind that desk for special effect.

"Thanks." I replied, just to be nice and show my appreciation to her for telling me where I was supposed to be going since, every single time I did a photo shoot, they changed the room that they asked me to photograph them in.

I walked into the room and began setting up the equipment that I was going to need for this shoot. I decided I was just going to keep it simple and I was going to take shots of the boys on their own, and then I was going to do some group photos and, to finish with, I was going to use some instruments and get them to pose with them for the final shots.

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