Part Three - Gay Best Friend!

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"Jess, do you want to come out with us tonight?" Tom asked as we walked out of the Radio 1 studio; they had just been talking to Scott Mills about their new single and release of their album, and then answered the many questions which fans had for them - including the regularly asked 'would any of you date a fan' question.


"She can't. She's already going out with Josh." Nathan spoke for me, before he disappeared into the distance and away from the rest of us.

"What's his problem?" I chuckled.

"Told you. Jealousy." Jay laughed as he appeared beside with me, grinning like a total idiot at me.

"And I told you, Nathan Sykes is not jealous of me. And, even if he was, then he's got no need to be worried about Josh because he's gay." I laughed, finding it funny that Nathan even thought me and Josh had something going on with each other - having a gay best friend is amazing because it's just like talking to a girl when you talk to him. 

"Look, come out with us tonight and bring Josh with you, then watch how he acts when you're with Josh; then you'll realise what we mean. Okay?" Max suggested, and I just agreed to do as they had told me to, but only so I could prove my point to them; Nathan didn't like me and he wasn't jealous of anyone or anything that was to do with me.

They were just trying to make even more trouble between the two of us, and they weren't far away from doing that if they continued saying things about it while Nathan was around.

"Do you want a lift back home after this next interview?" Siva asked with a smile, changing the subject altogether, much to the disappointment of Max, Tom and Jay. Do you see what I've got to put up with five days a week.

Fun, right?

"That would be nice, thanks." I smiled.

"And we'll pick you and Josh up at seven tonight, and I bet you £10 that it's Nathan who comes and knocks on the door again?" Tom grinned.

"Well, I might as well just give you the £10 now then, because it is always Nathan that comes to the door; usually just to make comments about what I'm wearing and how much he hates me." I chuckled because it was true - whenever Nathan come to the door, he would either be shocked that I knew how to wear clothe, or he would just tell me that I needed to put some more clothes on before I went anywhere near the studio and the other jobs which they had to complete.

"You never know what will happen tonight. You'll just have to wait and see." Tom replied as he pulled himself into the van and made his way straight to the back; of course I was the last to get in and I decided that I was just going to sit beside Nathan again because I really couldn't be bothered to climb half way up the van, just to get a seat next to either Jay or Siva.

I was really lazy when I wanted to be.

"So, are you coming out with us tonight or not?" Jay asked hopefully.

"Fine. I'll come out with you, I'm sure Josh would love to spend some time with you lot anyway; especially since he's a better personal assistant than I am." I chuckled.

Once those words left my lips, the other four all cheered in excitement while Nathan just sighed and muttered something under his breath; which I decided I was going to ignore because I was in too much of a good mood to really give a damn about what he had to say to me right now.


"So, let me get this right, we're actually going out and partying with The Wanted?" Josh asked for the fourth time since I had told him that's what was going to happen this evening.

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