Part Sixteen - I Love You!

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Nathan's POV -

I seemed to be the only one who noticed Jess and Max had been gone a lot longer than usual for someone that was just having a quick smoke, so I decided that I was going to investigate and see what was taking them so long.

I walked outside, stopping just behind the wall so I could listen to their conversation and see what I could learn from them, but I instantly regretted doing so as what I heard changed everything for the rest of the night.

"I'll miss you. I'll miss you all. But I need to move on, and it might make it easier for Nathan to accept that we're never going to be together." Jess spoke, and Max just pulled her into a massive hug as she held a sorry look on her face.

"You had better come and see me then? I want to know everything, including if you ever find a boyfriend." Max laughed and, although he might have been joking, there was a pang of jealousy which rushed inside me as the thought of her with someone other than me hit me right where it hurt.

I didn't want her in the arms of anyone other than me, it was always supposed to be me and there was no way she was ever going to leave and be with someone else either.

"You won't be able to get rid off me, you're my bestfriend and I'd be nothing without you. Although, I think it will be you coming to see me because the job I want to go for is out here. In America." Jess replied, as she pulled away from Max slightly and looked at him with an apologetic look on her face.

"What? You're going to be all the way over here?" Max said, like the realisation of just how far away she wanted to get hit him right where it hurt and he was actually going to have to accept that she wasn't going to be just round the corner anymore; she was going to be over the other side of the world and he wasn't going to be able to just phone her when he felt like it either.

"I'm sorry Max. The further the better." Jess stated, and I decided I had heard enough and I wanted to make sure I was hearing everything right and she wasn't just saying this to make Max leave her alone.

"I'm sorry Max. The further the better." I practically whispered, causing both Max and Jess to turn around and look at me with on shock on their faces; they were surprised that someone had been listening to their conversation and had found out some other way, beside her telling me, that she was leaving and going for a job over here.

"Look, Nathan, I was going to tell you. But-"

"But you just decided to tell everyone other than me before that happened. Yeah?" I finished for her because I didn't want to hear her lies, or the stupid excuses that she had found the time to come up with while she had been stood out here with Max.

"I haven't told anyone other than Max. I swear." Jess insisted with tears in her eyes.

"I don't believe you Jess. You've always been like this, and I don't know why I thought you could ever change." I snapped in annoyance at her, much to the disproval of Max; anyone would think that he wanted to be with her the way that he spent his time defending her and making people feel sorry for her.

"Like what Nathan? Finding it difficult to trust people? Not wanting to let anyone in for fear of getting hurt? Wanting to move on before anything too serious happens and I give someone the chance to break my heart?" Jess snapped back at me with tears in the corner of her eyes, but that wasn't going to work with me this time and I wasn't going to feel any sort of remorse for her at this point in time; she had made me feel like I was nothing and like everything between us was meaningless.

"You were the one that started this entire thing, and you can't even blame me for any of this." I shouted.

"Look Nathan, I really don't care what you say or do anymore. I'm leaving my job and moving over here once this tour is done, I'm going to talk to Kev in the morning and make sure he knows this is what I want. I'm sorry." Jess sighed and walked back into the restaurant without saying another word to me or even allowing me the chance to reply to what she had just said to me.

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