Part Seventeen - It's Time For Me To Move On!

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Jessica's POV -

As soon as I got back to the hotel room, I literally threw everything into my bags as quickly as I could; wanting to be out of here before any of the boys got back and tried to stop me from going - it wasn't going to any use, especially since my mind had been made up and I was going to leave.

I had to get away from here, away from The Wanted, away from Nathan.

Of course I loved him and wanted to be with him, but I couldn't cope with all of that when all he had done to me so far as lie about everything.

I'm almost certain that he doesn't even know what the truth is anymore. He could tell me that he loved me and wanted to be with me until he was blue in the face, but that wasn't going to make it true and it wasn't going to make it any easier for me to accept.

The tears were rolling down my cheeks as I zipped up my last case and looked around the room one more time, my eyes immediately landing upon Nathan's belongings and his clothes scattered across the room - he was never exactly the tidiest of people, and there was always a little something of Nathan left behind whenever he left my place.

It was the last thing that I looked at before I walked out of the room, suitcases dragging behind me, and then the door slammed shut on everything.

It was a new start, and I had just turned the page onto a brand new chapter of my life where I was doing the job I wanted and I was getting to know new people; it was going to be a place where none of the boys could find me and where no one knew who I was or what I was like.

"Are you really going to leave us?" I heard someone say, turning around to see the boys all stood there with sadness clouding their eyes.

"I'm sorry. I just can't do this anymore." I replied.

"Were you going to say goodbye, or were you just going to leave?" Tom asked me, looking more annoyed than anything like he was going to shout at me at given moment.

"I was just going to leave. It was for the best Tom, you need to understand that." I sighed.

"After everything we've been through, you were just going to leave and not say a word to me? To any of us?" Tom snapped angrily.

"Tom, don't be too hard on her, she had her reasons." Max argued back for me, and it made me smile that at least one of them understood why I was doing this and the reason I had to leave.

"God sake Max. Anyone would think you want to sleep with her the way you stick up for her all the bloody time, let her tell us for herself why she wants to leave." Tom snapped again, much to the shock of both Jay and Siva, who hadn't said much on the matter at all in the entire time that had been going on.

"Is there really any need for all of this? She's made her mind up, so just let her go and move on with her life." Nathan spoke, not even bothering to look at me.

"Tom, maybe you should just calm down and let Jess explain herself." Siva spoke softy, giving me a warming smile at the same time as I wiped a few stray tears away from my eyes.

"I don't want to hear it. Save it for someone that actually gives a damn." Tom replied as he walked off and disappeared into his room, slamming the door closed behind him so the entire floor knew that he was pissed off with someone.

"He'll come round soon enough Jess, don't worry about him. But, why are you leaving?" Jay said with a smile on his face as I took a seat on one of the chairs which were in the corridor and made eye contact with the floor so that I didn't have to see the hurt and disappointment on any of their faces as I told them why I was leaving.

"I just can't do this anymore. I need to move on, and I need to get away from this all before I go completely insane. Please tell me you understand?" I practically whispered.

"You seemed so happy though and like you loved working for us. What happened?" Siva questioned.

"I was happy and there is no way I'll be able to thank you for what you have done for me. I have loved working for you, but it's time that I moved on and got on with my life. I need to go somewhere that I can do what I want to do, and somewhere people don't know who I am. I will miss you all." I replied, finally looking up at the four faces now staring at me and none of them looked angry or annoyed with me, they just looked sad and like they didn't want me to leave them.

"We'll miss you Jess. It won't be the same without you around." Jay said sadly as he pulled me into a hug.

"You had better keep in contact with us, or there will be trouble. I'm going to miss you being around, winding Max and Tom up all the time." Siva laughed as he proceeded to pull me into a hug, and I couldn't help but smile as he did so because I did love to wind those two up all the time, and it was funny when they would tell me off for doing it; they were the good times that I shared with those boys and I wouldn't change them for the world.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure I phone every single day and you'll eventually get bored with me." I chuckled.

"We could never get bored with you Jess. We all love you too much." Jay replied with his usual cheesy grin.

"What am I going to do without my bestfriend, ay? I'm going to have to tell Tom when there's a problem and he's going to have to give me advice. Imagine that, Tom giving me the same advice as you do?" Max managed to laugh through the few tears which were rolling down his cheek, but he was doing his best to hide them; I knew him well enough to know how he was feeling and I also knew that he wasn't one to show his emotional side while other people could see him.

"He might be just as good as I am, but if he's not, then I'm just a text away. I'll miss you Max and I'll make sure I see you when I can." I said with the tears building in my eyes again, but I just blinked them away as Max pulled away and walked off into the room that he was staying in; and I knew that he was probably going to stay there for a while he took his time to accept that I was really gone and I wasn't coming back for a while.

"Look, we'll leave the two of you two to talk. I'll see you around soon." Jay said, and Siva simply smiled at me as he and Jay headed off down the lift, presumably to go to the bar and grab a drink.

"So, you're really leaving then?" Nathan asked as he took the seat beside me and looked at me intently.

"Yeah, I'm really leaving." I sighed.

"Is this because of me?" Nathan questioned.

"Well, it is partly to do with you, but I also need to move on and get away from here. It's time that I moved on and got on with my life. I'm sorry Nathan." I said as I stood up and collected all my bags up, getting ready to leave and finally walk away, only to be stopped by Nathan grabbing hold off my wrist and pulling me back, his lips meeting me with a great amount of force and you could tell that he had been waiting all night to do that but this was the last time he would be able to do it.

"Take care Jess. I'll miss you." was the last thing Nathan said before he vanished into the room and closed the door behind him with a definite silence about it.

I was finally free, and it was time for me to move on.

It was time for me to start again.

Hello there people,

So, this is the last part of Love Hangover and I did tell you there wasn't going to be a happy ending - I got bored with the happy endings all the time, so decided this one was going to be mixed up a little with a sad ending.

There is the Epilogue to come, and that will be a year in the future; but I'm not going to tell you anything other than that as it'll ruin it.

Thanks for the support, and I hope you've enjoyed reading the story as much as I have writing it for all you lovely people.

Would love to know what you think, and I shall see you in the Epilogue.

Love El:)xxx

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