Part Nine - I'm Not Ready To Leave!

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After I'd finished in the shower, I took a quick look on my phone to see if anyone had bothered to text me; and I was lucky when I found out I had three messages - I'd never been so popular.

The first one I checked, as expected, was from Tom and he really wasn't happy with me. I felt bad for upsetting him and still not telling him the real reason I might not be able to make it, but I wasn't going to sacrifice my own happiness for the sake of his.

I had to follow my heart at some point, and that's what I was doing as I thought ahead to the interview and what could come out of it.

From Parker -

You had better tell us why, and you had better tell us now. The other boys are so bloody annoyed!!

To Parker -

I will tell you, I just can't tell you yet. And I didn't say I wouldn't be able to make it for definite, I just said I might not be able to make it.

I decided that I would check the other two messages once I was ready, since I only had an hour to be get myself ready and to get to the office where the interview was going to take place.

I was nervous, yet excited at the same time. If I got this job, then I would finally be doing the one thing that I have always wanted to do and no one would be able to take that away from me.

I would be living my life for me, rather than for other people and just the idea of thought brought a smile to my face.

I dealt with my hair first, putting a fishtail plait into it which ran down the side and came to rest on my shoulder when I was done with it. I then applied a small amount of eyeliner and mascara to my eyes, just to make myself look more presentable and not like I had only just woken up. I then began rummaging through my wardrobe, coming to a stop at an outfit which I thought would be perfect for this interview - especially since he told me that he didn't want to see me trying too hard, he just wanted to see what I looked like on a normal day.

I grabbed my lace bralet and floral skater skirt from the hanger, deciding the outfit would be complete if I had the addition of my blazer as well. I quickly dressed myself before I grabbed white sandals from the bottom of the wardrobe and pulled them on, completing my outfit and leaving me plenty of time to make sure I got there with time to spare before I walked into the room that would help in the decision of my future.

I got my phone from my bed and ran down the stairs, picking up my purse and keys from the table beside the door just as I walked outside and was greeted by the Summer sun we had been waiting ever so patiently for now.

As I got into the car, I threw my purse onto the passenger seat and then gave my messages one last quick read before I set off on my journey.

From Josh -

Good luck today babe; let me know how it goes. Have you told the boys about this yet?xxxx

To Josh -

Thanks Josh. You'll be the first person I text. And I haven't told them about it yet because I'm waiting to see if I get the job first, but Tom is pretty pissed that I might not make it to the interview!!xxxx

From Nathan -

America sounds like a good idea, and I hear we're even sharing a hotel room ;) xxx

To Nathan -

Aren't I a lucky one. You better behave yourself ;)xxx

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