With breakfast finished, the two walked back upstairs and sat, waiting out the 5 minutes they had until Paul or Chris would come and get them. They talked about how he was excited for tour and everything he wanted to show her. Emily smiled and nodded, listing off places she too wanted to go. A knock on the door sounded and they both shared a grin and a short kiss before Louis went to open the door. Paul stood there glaring at Louis, hurrying into the room saying something like, "Why must we leave at this ungodly hour in the morning? Why can't a guy sleep?" to which Emily burst into a fit of giggles and caused Louis to smile. Paul came back with all their bags, handing a purse to Emily and a rolling suitcase to Louis.

"Be at the bus within the next 2 minutes. You aren't there, we leave without you. Liam, Zayn and Harry are already on. We are trying to space out your departures. Niall should be exiting now. Be down in 2 minutes." And with those kind words, Paul left. The couple hurried through the room once more, making sure nothing was forgotten, before they joined hands and closed the door.

The elevator opened and they stepped in, alone thankfully. Louis pressed the lobby button and the doors closed, going all the way down the 10 floors not stopping once. They slipped out and around to the back end, meeting Chris. He gave them a short smile before speaking into his walkie talkie to who Louis inferred was Paul on the other side. The signal was given and they were ushered out. It had been established last night that there really was no way to get Emily on the bus without the fans suspecting something so it had been decided that they'd leave at 4 in the morning hoping that a small amount of fans would be there and Emily could get on safely.

Needless to say, the prediction that a small amout of fans would be there was beyond incorrect. It seemed as though the fans knew precisely when the boys would leave as it seemed the entire teen population of London was in the back of a hotel. Louis went in front of Chris and Emily was in the back. Flashes blinded Louis and fans grabbed at him while he tried to make through the mob. Emily was getting yelled at with both compliments and hateful words. Fans pulled at her hair and her clothing. When she got into the bus, the first thing she did was retouch her hair, which wasn't in as bad of a conditon as she had thought. The boys joked around and shared how excited they were to be embarking on the Take Me Home tour.

"Emily, what are you excited for?" Liam asked. Emily snapped around, startled that she had been involved in the conversation and thought about it.

"She's probably imagining what it'd be like for Louis to fuck her endlessly. Thats probably what she wants." Harry snickered. Everyone immediately turned and glared at the 19 year old, scolding him mentally. Emily blushed profusely and focused on a hole in her jeans.

"I'm sorry Emily. Harold needs to learn his manners. Perhaps his mother might be able to do something," Liam smirked and turned to the boy, his face pale in complexion. Liam nodded. "I'm sorry Emily. Now, what is the one thing you want to see?" Liam asked. Emily thought about her parents and about their travels and stories they'd tell her. While Emily was thinking, Liam and Zayn spoke in hushed tones to Harry, scolding the immature teen. Louis and Niall stayed on opposite sides of the bus debating whether or not to approach each other.

"This will sound cliche but I really want to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower." Emily answered. Liam nodded and Zayn smiled. Harry was silently judging her, Emily could tell. Niall gave a brave face. He knew exactly why Emily wanted to go to the Eiffel Tower and he wanted that to be their thing; Their Memory. Emily and Louis made eye contact, grinning at each other. Louis wanted to take her there now, if it made her happy.

"That is a totally acceptable answer Emily," He beckoned Emily over. She gave him a confused look and bent down to his level in the chair he was sitting in, "I want to take Danielle there some day." Emily grinned.

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