chapter thirty nine:

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Issy's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed, Olly must be up. I walked down the stairs, in Olly's oversized shirt and heard him on the phone. "Thanks so much mate. Means a lot, she's going to love it." What? "Mummy!" Holly said, cuddling me. "I gotta go mate, see you later." Olly quickly said, hanging up. "Hello beautiful." he said, coming out the kitchen, holding his towel. "Who was that?" I asked. "No one. New York baby!!" he shouted, grabbing Holly's hands and dancing around with her. "Just going to have a shower." I said, not thinking anyone heard me because they were dancing around. I laughed to myself and went upstairs.

I got myself changed after having the shower, into some jeans and one of Olly's baggy t-shirts. What? They're comfortable. I finished off the last of my packing and tried to carry my suitcase down the stairs. "Let me get that!" Olly said, running up the stairs taking it from me. I kissed the top of his head and followed me. He put it down by the door and looked at me, up and down. "Have I got something on me?" I said, looking down at his t-shirt. " my clothes...perfect." I scoffed and kissed him. He grabbed me by the waist and picked me up. "" Holly said, pointing her finger at us. Olly put me down and went into the other room, red faced. "You excited, sweetie?" I said to Holly, giving her a cuddle. She nodded her head. "very!" She ran off somewhere and I went into the living room. Olly was sitting on the floor with Scott, playing with his toys. "Olly, you do know Scott's not paying any attention, right?" he laughed. "I know, his toys are the best thing ever, they're so fun." "My little baby." I said, winking at him. He sarcastically laughed and went back to playing with the toys. The doorbell rang and I got up. "I'll get it." I said. I went to the door and opened it. "Flowers for an Isabella?" he said, holding about 10 red roses. I looked back and saw Olly, smiling, leaning against the doorframe. "You!" I said. "Thank you." I said to the man, shutting the door. "Olly..they're beautiful." he nodded. "Just like my fiance." I looked down at the floor, embarrassed. He put his finger on my chin and held it up. "I love you." "I love you too." I said, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Right...we need to leave in a minute." he said, kissing my forehead. "Kids!" he shouted. "We're leaving!" he shouted, again. Holly ran up, and Scott came up behind her. "yay!" Holly said, dancing around. "Right, let me go and put the suitcases in the car." Olly said, carrying them out one by one. "Ready?" he said, holding my hand. I nodded. "ready." I got Scott in the car, while Holly got herself in. I got in the front passanger seat, while Olly got in the drivers seat. "NEW YORK BABY!" he shouted, turning on the radio. I hit my head with my hand and laughed.

We got to the airport in record time - only 1 hour. Olly parked the car and got out all the suitcases, while I got out Scott. Holly and I went to go one of those trollies so Olly didn't have to carry everything. "Thanks my gorgeous girls!" He said, kissing our cheeks. Cutie. "Right, let's go!" He said, leading, and me trailing, carrying Scott.

We got through security and customs, and luckily Olly didn't get stopped by many people. I could see Olly was becoming more nervous as we approached the plane. "Olly, it'll be fine." I reassured him. He took my hand and kissed it. "I-I know" I kissed his cheek and we boarded the plane. Olly shows our tickets to the air hostess. "Right, go behind this curtain and the lady will help you." Olly nodded and did as the lady said. "Olly, wait... That's first class." I said, thinking he's made a mistake. "Surprise." He said, throwing up his arms. "you didn't..." He nodded and kissed my cheek. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you more" he whispered back. We walked into the first class part - wow. "Olly, I can't believe you..." he laughed and took a seat. "You go here and Holly you go here." Olly said, pointing to the multiple seats. I say down with Scott on my lap. "This is, perfect." I said, starring out the window. I looked back and saw Olly's leg wobbling up and down. "Olly, trust me. It'll be fine." He nodded and I laced my fingers through his. "This is your captain speaking, we are ready for take off. please make sure that all electronics are switched off and your seat belts are tightly secured. Have a nice flight" he said, before switching off the microphone. "Olly..Olly you're hurting me." I said. Releasing my hand from his. "Sorry..." He looked so nervous. I put my hand back in his hand and he looked more comfortable. Before we knew it, we were up in the air. "that wasn't so bad, was it?" I said, stroking his hand. "Suppose not." he said, moving his chair down. "get some sleep, only 6 more hours to go." I said, laughing. I looked back to the window and drifted into a deep sleep...

I got woke up by the captain making an announcement over the speaker. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have just arrived in New York City. Highs of 30 degrees. Hope you have a wonderful time in New York." and he was gone again. I looked over to Olly who was still asleep. Holly was reading her magazine, and Scott was asleep. "Olly?" I said shaking him slightly. "Ols, we're here" his eyes shot open and sat up. "That was quick." he said, I nodded in agreement.

The plane stopped moving and suddenly everyone started moving. "Right, let's go." Olly said, grabbing Holly's hand and directing us to the door of the plane.

We went through all the security and customs and we were soon by the front of the airport. Olly collected out bags on the trolley and pushed it. We got Scott's pushchair and put him in there. "How are you getting to the hotel?" I asked. Olly looked around for a minute and then a massive smile spread across his face. "There." he said, pointing to a black limo. "Are you serious?!" I screamed. He laughed and shook his head. "mummy!" Holly screamed, excited. We made out way over to the limo. "I can't believe you, Murs." I said, hitting his arm. "hey, I'm allowed to spoil my family." I laughed and got in. "Cheers mate." Olly said, shaking the drivers hand. "is that who you were talking to? Before?" He tapped his nose and poured a drink. "You're amazing, Olly Murs." he laughed and kissed me. "You made me a better man, what can I say?" I laughed and kissed him back.

"We're here." The driver said. Olly gave him some money and we all got out of the car.



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