chapter three:

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Olly’s P.O.V.

*beep beep* it was a message from Sarah;

“Hey Ol, remember the meeting today, about your new album, see you at 9, S x”

Ugh, great. I thought I better tell Issy so I walked up to her room, silently opening the door, realising she was asleep. I didn’t wanna wake her, so I left her a note.

hey Issy, I’ve gone to a meeting but I’ll be back soon; if Keira comes back tell her where I’ve gone. One Day. O x”

Put it on her bedside table and rushed out of the door.

The meeting went on forever. I just wanted to be at Issy’s, cuddling her, kissing her. Oh shit, Keira. I’ve totally forgotten about her. I should be thinking about her. About how she never came back last night. I hope she’s alright. Wait, she cheated on me. Well so did I but she had sex with someone else.. my thoughts were interrupted when Ben was clicking his fingers in front of my eyes. “Olly? Are you okay to go into the studio next week and start recording some of the songs from ‘Right Place Right Time’?” Sarah asked me. “yeah, yeah, of course!” we’ve already written most of the songs; with Claude Kelly and Ed Drewett and a couple others. An hour later, the meeting had finished. I had my studio times and I had to start learning the notes and lyrics – which I already did. But they had to be ‘perfect’ as Sarah said. I got in my car and headed back to Issy’s. I knocked on the door and Issy shouted “come in, it’s open!” I went in and I saw Issy lying on the living room couch, she looked rough. “oh my goodness issy, are you okay?” I asked her, rushing to her, making myself kneel so I was her level. “do I look that bad then?” she laughed and covered her mouth as if she was going to be sick. I handed her the bucket but she shook her head. “I was up most of the night rushing to the bathroom and back, I feel so ill” she covered her eyes and started crying. “Hey, no need to cry. Why didn’t you wake me up you plonker!” “I didn’t want to disturb you, you looked peaceful sleeping.” “you were watching me sleep?” I said, winking at her. She hit me and I started to get up until she tugged on my sleeve, “don’t leave me Olly” I smiled, “I’m right here.” I sat down on the floor, to the right of her so if she was sick it wouldn’t be on me. and I switched on the TV. I kept turning around to check she was still awake, everytime I got the same answer “I’m still alive, Olly” I smiled and turned around. I turned around once more and her eyes were closer. I pulled the blanket up and kissed her on her forehead. “night baby”. She smiled. “night gorgeous” and she fell asleep. I got up to make a sandwich when the door opened. It was Keira, she looked worse than Issy. I turned away and ignored her. “Olly wait” she said, pulling me back. “let me explain” “I don’t want to listen to your excuses. You cheated on me. there’s nothing else to it. I have nothing else to say. I’m only staying for Issy, she’s ill and she needs me.” Keira started crying. “I bought you these.” She handed me some dip dab ice lollies. I loved dip dab. And some chocolates. And a card. I opened it and it read; I’m so sorry. She flung her arms around me and kissed me. she was truly sorry. And to be honest, I kissed Issy so, we’re sort of even, well not really. But I wasn’t going to tell her about that. Just as we were kissing, Issy walked in. I quickly pushed myself away from Keira. “Issy how’re you feeling?” she looked distraught. Keira turned around and Issy’s sad face turned into a smile. “you two alright now then?” Keira nodded and hugged me. “Good, I’m going to go to bed, if you couldn’t see already I feel like crap. See you later.” She turned around and went up the stairs. “Issy! Issy wait.” I ran up after her. She turned around. “Olly, you don’t have to explain anything, you and Keira are in a relationship, I’m going to stay out of it. We should have never kissed. Please can we just forget it ever happened?” My heart sank. I nodded, wiping back my tears. She didn’t notice and went back into her bedroom. I went into the spare bedroom and sat on the bed. I put my head in my hands. I felt like screaming the place down. I hate what I’ve done, to Keira and to Issy.

love at first sight // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now