chapter twenty six:

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Olly’s P.O.V.

I suddenly found myself in a local park. There weren’t many people here, so it looked like no one recognised me. The last thing I remember was telling Issy how many the job she got offered was, and then I went straight for the door. I don’t know what to do. I buried my head in my hands and sat there for about 10 minutes. “You look sad. Is everything okay?” someone to the right of me said. I turned round and an old lady was there, eating a sandwich. “Yeah, yeah..” I said. She wasn’t convinced. I laughed. “What would you do if the love of your life got given this fantastic job in Australia, but you can’t go because of work?” she thought hard for a bit. “I’d go with her.” she replied. “Really?” I questioned. She nodded her head. “Is this girl really is the ‘love of your life’?” I nodded my head. “There’s so much new technology you kids have these days that you can do whatever you want!” I laughed. “It’s not that simple. I’m a singer.” Her head suddenly snapped round. “I thought I recognised you! Olly Murs! My granddaughter is obsessed with you!” she continued. “Anyway, has she made her decision? You know, if she wants to go?” I shook my head. “Follow you heart, love. If you love her that much, your fans would understand. And it’s not like you don’t have enough money to come to the UK for a gig or two!” I breathed in heavily. “Me and my husband, David, were completely in love. We met at the age of fourteen! We’ve been together ever since then! Yes, we’ve broken up a few times.. He proposed a few times. But look at us now! Four beautiful children, 6 beautiful grandchildren and more to come! You kids look like you belong with each other. Do what your heart tells you, love.” That sounded like me and Issy. Wow. I love Issy more than anything, I’d do anything to keep her happy. “Thank you. So much!” she nodded and continued eating her sandwich. I quickly leapt up and ran home. I burst through the door. “Issy?! Issy?” I shouted. No answer. “Isssssssssy?” I said, continuing the ‘s’s. No answer. I went through to the kitchen and there was a note. “Gone to mum’s, HEN NIGHT! Kids are at your parents and Max will be over soon. Please don’t get him too drunk, he’s marrying my mother in the morning. Love you millions gorgeous, I xxxxxxxxxxxxxx” after reading the note there was a knock on the door. Max was there with all the male part of his family and his friends. “Hello mate.” I said, shaking his hand. “Come on in, fellas!” I said, hand gesturing the way to go.

 Last night really helped take my mind off of things. But boy, was my head pounding. I can’t even remember half of it. I got myself up and saw the other 7 lads scattered around my room, still fast asleep. I got up and crept downstairs. I checked my phone, and only a miss call from Issy. I called her back immediately. “Hello?” she said, in her soft, calm voice. “Hi gorgeous.” “Oh hey Olly.” “Everything okay?” “Yeah, how about you? Hope Max isn’t too drunk! Mum is so excited.” “haha! He’s still asleep, I’ll get them up in a minute.” “Okay sweetie, well I’ll see you later.” “When am I gonna see you?” “When I’m walking down the aisle, and not a moment before!” “Issy you do know that it’s not our wedding, right?” she laughed down the phone. “Yeah, but just please.” I sighed. “Fine. See you later beautiful. Love you millions.” “Bye, love you too gorgeous.” and hung up. I still wasn’t sure about Australia. Haven’t made my mind up. Ugh. I went upstairs and woke the boys up. “Wake up lads!! Big day today!” I shouted. They all put their hands on their ears and turned around. Fifteen minutes later we were all up. “Are you excited?” I said to Max, who was brushing his teeth. He nodded. “Just a bit scared Issy will think I’m trying to replace Scott. I mean, I’d never ever try to do that, but I love Esmé and Issy is amazing and-“ “Mate, calm down. Issy loves you, she said it to me! She’s really happy you’re joining the family. Just, calm!” he shook my hand and I went to get changed.

I took my seat in the chapel, two rows from the front. I was sitting behind Esmé’s parents, and sitting next to Issy’s cousins. Everyone suddenly looked behind, so I did too. One girl, around 30, walked down the aisle, and then the next, around the same age did. Then Issy walked down. She looked, wow. I was speechless. I watched her walk down, smiling at the guests and her family members. She walked to where I was, turned her head and winked. I laughed and we all stood up. Esmé walked down looking lovely. Everyone then took their seats and the service began.

“I now pronounce you, man and wife!” Max kissed Esmé and they walked off down the aisle. Everyone followed them, and so did I. Issy was at the front, waving her mum off. “I love you mum! Have a nice time in Barbados!!” she shouted, waving them off. I stood at the back, feeling a bit out of place. Someone tapped me on the shoulder. Issy. “Hello beautiful!” I said, giving her a kiss on the lips. “How do I look?” she said, pouting and turning around. “Like an angel.” She laughed and I put my arm around her waist, as we watched her mum and her step-dad drive off into the sunset. “Olly?” Issy said, still waving them off. I looked down to her. “What are we going to do about Australia?” the question I was dreading. “I’ll go wherever you go. I love you and I’m not letting you go ever again.” she looked up at me. “You serious? Like it’s not one of your stupid jokes?” I laughed. “Nu-uh.” She kissed me and wrapped her arms around me. “I love you I love you I love you!” she squealed. I kissed her back and she went off to her family. I guess I was excited about Australia, but.. I can’t leave England. I can’t leave my friends, my family, my fans… What was I going to do?

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