chapter one:

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Issy's P.O.V.

"So, when is the best friend permitted to see your boyfriend?" I asked Keira.

"Soon, Issy! We've only been together for 2 weeks remember, I don't know whether we're at that part in the relationship to show him off!" Keira replied.

"But I'm your best friend!" I whined. She hit me with the pillow and went back to sleep.

Hi, my name is Isabella, people call me Issy. I'm 17 and I live with my best friend; Keira. Well, I do also live with my parents, but Keira moved in with us because her parents kicked her out. But I won't go into too much detail. Keira is also 17. We both go to college in London, we do everything together. We've been best friends since the day we were born (we were born on the same day, coincidental), and we've been best friends since then. We've gone to the same schools, same doctors, same dentists, we're inseparable. But two weeks ago, Keira got a boyfriend, she won't tell me who is it. I don't know why, we tell each other everything. It was weird.

I woke up to the beeping alarm. It was 7 o'clock on a Monday morning. Ugh, college. Ugh, Monday. "Keira, come on wake up" I went over to her bed, nudged her a little, she twitched and went back to sleep. "I'll get the water. And you know I'll do it because, well, last time.." I laughed and she sat up right.

"I'm up, I'm up!" she looked at her phone and smiled.

"Who's that?" I asked her, getting my clothes out of the wardrobe and neatly placing them on the bed.

"It's him, he said that he'll come round after college.." she said, a sigh of relief escaped her mouth.

"FINALLY!" I said, running over to her, giving her a hug, "now get ready, bus in half an hour!" throwing some clothes at her.

"Bye Mum. Bye Dad!" I shouted walking out the door.

"Bye Esmé, bye Scott!" Keira shouted, walking out the door.

We walked to the bus stop, which was about a ten minute walk, and then it took 45 minutes to get to college. Keira was attached to her phone, probably texting- what's his name?

"Hey Kei, what's your boyfriends name?"

"Olly." She replied, and then carried on texting.

The only Olly I knew was Olly Murs, mm he was gorgeous. Keira and I saw him a couple of weeks back, she's obsessed with him. I am, but not as obsessed as her.

45 minutes later we arrived at college. We were greeted by Amy, Yasmin and Lara. We walked to class and guess who was standing outside, Alfie. He was so annoying. I've been told he likes me, but he's just so annoying.

"Hello pretty lady. Can I take your bag?" he said to me, holding his hands out.

"no it's fine, I've got them." Every girl seemed to drool over him. He was one of the most popular boys in college but he was just so annoying. I mean, he's not bad looking but, ugh. He was in most of my classes, but I just ignored him.

"See you later Kei" I said to Keira, 'good luck' she mouthed to me, and laughed.

"Lesson dismissed, you may go, see you tomorrow." Mr Matthews said. "Issy, can I speak to you for a minute?" he called.

We waited for everyone to go, he pointed at the seat opposite his desk,

"Issy, are you okay? You seem distracted."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said, bearing in mind I had spent half the lesson staring out of the window.

"If there's anything you want to talk about, I'm always here okay?" I nodded and walked out.

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