chapter thirty seven:

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Olly's P.O.V.

"Mrs Murs?" the doctor said, waking us all up. Mum rubbed her eyes and looked up at the Doctor. "Your husband is improving a lot after his recent heart attack." We all nodded. I felt Issy's hand squeeze mine, and rubbing her thumbs against my hand. "We're not sure when he will come around; it depends when his body wants to, in a way, reboot." We thanked him and he left. Issy got off me but i was still holding on her hand so she flopped back down. "Ouch." she whispered. I laughed and kissed her. "I'm going to get going." Issy said, getting up. "Of course, thank you for being here." Mum said. Issy went over and hugged Mum, "If he wakes up or anything, call me, please?" she nodded and Issy said goodbye to Faye. I grabbed her hand and walked her to the front of the hospital. "Do you want a lift or anything?" I said. She shook her head. "My cars over there somewhere." she said, pointing to the car park. "Thank you for being here." she shrugged. "I'm always here for you." she said, planting a kiss on my lips. "Honestly, call me if anything happens." I nodded and kissed her one last time. She walked off to her car and I went back inside. "Olly, please don't let her go." Faye said, hitting my arm. "I'll try not to." I replied, sitting back next to mum. 

Issy's P.O.V.

I got in the car and made my way home. When I got there, there was a car parked in my driveway Weird. I parked down the road and walked up to my house, to see someone sitting on the doorstep. "Can I help you?" I said. The person jerked his head up. "Yeah, am looking for you." he said, standing up and taking his hood down. "Aston...hey..this is a surprise." I walked up him, opening the door and walking in. "Do you wanna come in?" He nodded and entered. "So, where's Olly?" he said, taking a seat on the couch. "His Dad was erm, rushed into hospital last night. We stayed there overnight but I came back because hospitals bring back a lot of bad memories." he nodded, not seeming to care about Olly's dad. "So, we're alone, then?" he said, moving closer to me. "I guess so..." I said, standing up. He grabbed my hand and I fell down on the seat next to him. I landed on my back, and he suddenly got on top of me. "Hello there..." he said, moving his lips nearer to mine. "Get off me!" I screamed. He didn't listen. My hand soon made contact with his face, making him jump back, clenching his cheek. "What the fuck was that for?" he said, still grasping his red cheek. "I didn't want you to kiss me." I said, standing up. "Playing hard to get, are we?" "I'm not playing hard to get, I'm unavaliable because I have a fiance, who is one of your friends, who I love so much." I said, feeling like I needed to punch him. He looked at me, blankly. I sighed. "If you're not going to say anything worthwhile, please can you leave?" He sniggered under his breathe and kissed my cheek, and left. Calm down Issy. I thought to myself. I got out my phone and called mum. "Hey Mum, can I pop round? I miss you and I think we need to catch up." she accepted and I went round there. 

"Mummy!" I said, running into her arms like a little girl. "Hello my baby!" she said, hugging me. She let go and I walked towards the kitchen. "Oi you girls, go and sit down and I'll make teas." Max said, coming down the hall. "Hiya Max." I said, giving him a quick hug. "Hello Issy!" he said, hugging me back. Mum and I walked back into the living room. "Sweetie, you look tired." Mum said, switching off the TV. "I am, Olly's dad was rushed into hospital last night and we spent the night there." she gasped. "Is he okay?" I nodded slowly. "I hope so, I wish I could be there for Olly and his family, but hospitals...make me shiver." I said, shivering at the thought. She nodded and rubbed my leg. "He'll be fine, I'm sure." I nodded, agreeing. "So, what's new?" I said. She told me what she's been up to and then she asked me. "Well.. I know this is a bit short notice...But I've been offered a Australia." she froze. She didn't say anything. "Aus-Australia?" I nodded. She had tears rolling down her face. "Don't cry, Mum!" I said, embracing her in a hug. "Are Olly and the kids going?" I shook my head. "We're going to try the whole long distance relationship thing." she sighed. "It'll never work." she said, bluntly. There was a couple of mnutes silence but then I talked. "Olly and I are going on All Star Mr and Mrs." I said, laughing. "But you're not even married!" she said, laughing. "I know, we've all said that." 

"Bye Mum, thanks for everything. I'll see you before I leave." she nodded, trying to hide her tears. I embraced her in a hug, like she never wanted to let go. And to be honest, I didn't want to. "Hey, listen, can you have the kids for a bit longer? I just, want to go and see Dad?" she nodded. "Bye Max!" i shouted to the kitchen. "Bye sweetie." He shouted back. I smiled at that. "I'll see you soon." I said, closing the door and getting into my car. 

I drove up to the graveyard and walked slowly to Dad's grave. Tears already started forming in my eyes. I knelt down infront of his grave, and laid down the flowers I bought earlier. "Hey, daddy. I miss you." I began. "I'm moving to Australia soon... One of our dreams; ey. Remember when I was younger, and we had all that time on our hands, and you suddenly said 'Hey, let's plan a trip to Australia and we'll go once your 18.' Well, I'm going to live our dream. It's coming true. Olly isn't coming with me, and nor are the kids. I'll skype them every day and talk to them everyday, maybe they'll move out there soon. I don't know. Do you think I'm doing the right thing? Leaving my family for a job?" "No." a voice said behind me. I turned around, and I didn't recognise him. "Sorry?" "Did I say that outloud?" he said, looking embarrassed. I nodded slowly, then turned around hoping he would go. "I'm John." he stuck out his hand for me to shake. "Issy..." I said, shaking it. "I'm sorry, but I did that. I left my wife, my kids and it fell apart. I lost everything. My wife ended up cheating on me, and now my kids don't even know who I am. My job was a one in a million thing. I thought I couldn't turn it down, and I didn't. And now, it's the worst decision I ever made. I would of kept my wife, my kids, my job...and now I'm working at a graveyard and living in a one bedroom flat with 4 other people. Just, which would you rather have? Your family or a job." and with that he was gone. I thought I was imagining it. He was no one to be seen. "John?" I shouted out, nothing. I slapped myself to see if I was dreaming - I wasn't. Was he real? Yes, of course he was. I snapped out of it, and I realised I had to be with my family, before I go to Australia. "Bye Daddy, I'll see you soon." I got up and walked to my car. I drove to the hospital and went into Pete's room. "Hi guys." I said, nervously. Olly jumped up. "What are you doing here?" he said, coming over to me, protecting me. "We're family. I want to be here for you." he smiled and kissed me. I uneasily walked over to a chair and sat down. "May I?" I said, indicating to hold Pete's hand. Vicky smiled and nodded. I took his hand, "sorry, my hands are cold." I said, laughing. I felt pressure on my right hand, where I was holding his hand. "woah." i said, jumping back. "W-what?" Vicky said, getting up. "I felt...I felt him move." I said, standing back, scared. "Pete? Pete?" Vicky said, rubbing his hand. His eyes started to flicker open. "Doctor, doctor!" Faye said, running out the room. The doctor came in, briskly walking seconds later. "Mr Murs?" he said, shining a light in his eyes. Pete moved his head, trying to get away from the light. Thank god. "Dad!" Olly said, gripping onto his hand. Faye, Vicky and Olly were all crowded round Pete. I felt so out of place. I snuck out the door, feeling out of breathe and dizzy. I walked down the corridor to find a seat. I sat down, and took deep breaths, trying to calm my breathing down. A nurse came up to me, asking if I was alright. I smiled and nodded and she left. "Here." she said, handing me a brown paper bag. "Thank you." I said, putting it next to me. "Issy? Issy?" I heard, from Pete's room door. I looked to see Olly, looking worried. He saw me and came shooting down. "You alright?" he said, sitting next to me. I nodded. "Mhmm..." I said. He sighed. "I'm so...glad...Pete's okay." I said, trying to get my breath back. He smiled. "I know, I thought we would have lost him." "He was only asleep for a day..." I said, regreting it as soon as I did. "I'm sorry..." I said. He got up and walked away. "Olly, wait." I said, beginning to hyperventilate again. I grabbed the bag from the seat and breathed in and out. A nurse came to me, and took me into a cubicle, while Olly just looked at me, not doing anything. "Breath slowly." she said, holding the bag. "Have you been treated for asthma?" I shook my head. "We'll do some tests and-" "No, it's fine. I just want to go home." she nodded and let me go. "Thank you, though." I said. "For what?" she said, smiling. I shrugged my shoulders. "For caring about me." she laughed and smiled. "It's my job." I laughed and went to my car, not bothered to go back to Pete's room. They'll do fine without me. I got in my car and drove straight home. I opened the door, chucked off my shoes and fell straight on the sofa. My phone rang from my bag, but I really couldnt be bothered to answer it. I let it go to voicemail. It rang again. Ugh. I got up and retrieved my bag, It was Olly. I pressed reject and turned off my phone. I sat there in silence, thinking about my life. I just started crying. I couldn't stop. I brought my knees up to my chest and put my head inbetween my legs. Was John right? Was moving to Australia the right thing to do?


What do you think guys? Should she move to Australia and leave her family? COMMENT!

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