chapter twenty four:

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Issy’s P.O.V.

I woke up, to a sweaty body clenching my body. I pushed Olly off me, which woke him up. He looked up, his bed hair. Oh my god. “What-What time is it?” he said, in his adorable sleepy voice. “8:15.” I replied, walking into the bathroom. “I’m having a shower.” He suddenly leapt up. I knew exactly what he wanted. I shook my head. “Please?” he said, giving me his puppy look. I turned around and slammed the door in his face. “Maybe later!” I shouted, and got in the shower. When I came out, Olly was nowhere to be found. “Ols?” I shouted, scanning the room. I got changed and knocked on Mum’s door. No answer, she obviously wasn’t up. I then went to knock on Olly’s parents door, and I heard Scott crying. I knocked and Faye came to the door. “Hello Issy!” she said, greeting me with a hug. “Hiya” I said, entering the room. “Did you sleep well?” I shrugged my shoulders. “Was very hot. I woke up to a very sweaty body.” I said, winking at Olly. He was holding Scott. “Where’s Holly?” I asked. Faye laughed. “She’s in the pool, already, with Mum.” “Already?” they both laughed and nodded. “See you in a bit.” I said, with Olly and Scott following me. We went into our room and I started doing my make-up. I put my hair up in a ponytail and got up. Olly was just staring at me. I went over to him and closed his mouth. “You’ll catch flies, cheeky.” He winked and put Scott down. “Can Olly have a kiss?” he said, pouting his lips. I walked up to him, gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “That’s the most you’re getting.” “Not fair!” I said, crossing his arms like a child. I laughed and picked up Scott. “How’s my beautiful boy?” I said to Scott. “I’m fine baby, what about you?” Olly said, as if I was talking to him. I stuck my middle finger up at him and continued to talk to Scott. The rest of the family came into the room and we planned our day.

2 weeks later we were back in sunny England. It was amazing. Best holiday ever. I was planning on getting my life back together. I was going for an interview at this magazine place, being a journalist. I was buzzing. I was changing into my shirt, blazer and trousers when Mum came in. “Look at my little girl!” I laughed. “Not so little anymore.” “Holly and Scott are back.” I nodded and went downstairs. Olly was standing in the hallway, looking me up and down. “Hi.” I bluntly said. “Good luck, Issy.” He said, planting a kiss on my cheek. His touch was electric. “I better be going.” I said, giving mu, Max, Holly and Scott a kiss. “I can drive you if you want?” Olly suggested. “No its fine-“ “I insist.” I shrugged my shoulders and left. I got into Olly’s car and he started driving. “You’re going to get this, I just know it.” I scoffed. “Highly doubt it. Single mum with two kids.” His smile suddenly faded. “I didn’t mean it like’s just we’re not together and yeah I’ll shut up.” He smiled. “I think that’ll be best.” We spent the car journey singing songs from the radio. I felt so comfortable. “Right, well, good luck gorgeous!” he said, leaning in the kiss me on the cheek. I turned around and our lips were touching. Electric. I suddenly broke away and thanked Olly for driving me. I had butterflies in my stomach during the whole interview. Wow. It’s amazing what one man can do to you.

Olly’s P.O.V.

“Mate I need her back!” I shouted over the music. The lads and I were out at a club. I was trying to take my mind off things. “Make out with another girl!” Ben suggested. I hit him and scoffed. “I LOVE ISSY!” I shouted. “OLLY AND ISSY SITTING IN A TREE K I S S I N G.” they chanted. “You need to do something spectacular!” Rupert shouted. “Yeah, something to get her attention!” Jon shouted. “That’s the alcohol talking!!” taking another shot. “We are the lads!” we all chanted. Four hours later, it was 2 in the morning. I was completely hammered. “See you later fellas!” I shouted, making my way out of the club. I stumbled down the road until I reached Issy’s house. I picked up some pebbles from her drive and threw them at her window. “Issy!” I whispered/shouted. I repeated her name until her light turned on. She came to the window. “What the hell are you doing, Olly?” she said to me. “I LOVE YOU ISABELLA! MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE IN THIS WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD!” she told me to shut up as I was being loud. I could feel myself stumbling over, and that’s all I remember.

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