We sat in silence until I broke it. "They killed my family. I was only 16 when it happened. It was a bomb in a car. I was supposed to be with them but I didn't go. They were going to a ball that was held in my mother's honor for her birthday. I didn't go because I hated balls no matter who they were for. It could've been for me and I still wouldn't have gone. I was supposed to be with them. And now that I've found my mate," I paused to look at her, tears streaming down her face steadily. "Now that I've found you, they'll come after you. They want what I have so they can destroy our race, I can't let them do that, but I can't let them get you either. I won't." I rested my forehead against hers wiping her face. "They won't have you. I swear I will keep you safe. I refuse to lose someone else to them. I simply won't."

     I leaned forward and gently pressed my lips against hers. She pulled back after a few seconds later.

     "I'm sorry Ash." she breathed. "I'm so sorry."

     "Why are you sorry?"

     "You lost everyone. I never knew my dad, and he's already gone. I don't know what I'd do if I lost my friends or my mom."

     "It's fine."

    "I'm so sorry Ash."

     "Stop saying that. It wasn't your fault. It was his. He's the one that took my family, he's the one that wants you. I can't let Alec have you. I'd die if I lost you." I whispered.

     I looked her in her watery eyes, leaned forward and softly kissed her soft as a cloud lips.

     "We should probably go back now. They'll get worried." she breathed as we pulled apart. I nodded, stood up and led her out of the room holding her hand.

     When we returned, there was a very unexpected surprise.

     "Luca?" I was shocked to say the least.

     "Ashton my oldest friend! How are you?" Luca said coming over to me and giving me a man hug.

     "And who is this succulent, young lady?" he asked staring at Kat as if she were dinner.

     "K-Kat." she stuttered coming to stand a little closer to me.

     Luca let out a booming laugh. "I was just messin with you lassy. I wouldn't drink your blood. But I could still eat you." he said, now staring at her lustfully.

     I growled and wrapped my arm possessively around her waist. "Meet my mate, Kat. Kat this is my oldest and dearest friend, Luca. He helped me become the ruler I am today."

     "Hi." she whispered.

     "Hello lass." he said in his Irish accent. "Now on to business, Ashton." He looked at me, his grin gone and his expression one of stone. "There has been trouble at the castle. I have managed to contain it, but I won't be able to for much longer. You need to return home Prince."

     "What?" Kat cut me off before I could respond. "No." she said looking between Luca and I, before her gaze was souly on me. "You can't leave. You-You can't leave me. They'll get me Ash. You swore they wouldn't get me. You swore!"

     I gathered her gently in my arms. "And they won't get you. I swore they wouldn't, and they won't. However I have to go back to Romania-"

     "You are leaving me."

     "You didn't let me finish. However," I started again. "I need to go back home, but" I rushed before she could interrupt me again. "I was going to ask if you would come back with me. It would be the best way to keep you safe. Katerina, believe me when I say I would never leave you. Never. You are my other half, I won't lose you, nor will you lose me."

     Tears brimmed her beautiful eyes as she smiled softly. She lifted her hand and placed it on the side of my face, bringing me closer so our foreheads were connected. We broke apart when someone cleared their throat. It was Janice.

     "Mom. Please. I-I can't lose him. I-" Kat began, but Janice held her hand up silencing her.

     "You'll keep my daughter safe?" she asked me. I nodded once. "Do you swear?"

     "I swear on my entire kingdom, I will protect her. No one will harm her on my watch, absolutely no one."

     Janice looked at the two of us trying to come to a decision. Finally she sighed and dropped her gaze to the floor. "Alright. Fine. But, if any harm comes to my daughter, I will personally casterate you, understood?" I nodded my head staring at her with wide eyes. "Good. Now, when will you leave?"

     "As soon as possible, ma'am." Luca broke in.

     "Well, I guess we should start packing your bags." Janice said. Layla, Camerine, and Kat all nodded their heads. Kat kissed my cheek before going upstairs to pack, taking the girls with her.

     "So, you finally found her." Luca said once we were alone.

     "Yeah, and it's the best thing in the world."

     "Hmm." Luca hadn't found his mate, so he never knew what having a mate was like. "Well, I'm going to prepare for our departure." He came over to me and gave me a clap on the back. "See yeah man."

     "Goodbye." He walked out the door, closing it behind him.

*****2 1/2 hours later.*****

     "I'm going to miss you so much Kitty Kat." Layla said, for the thousandth time.

     "Me too, Kitty." said Camerine, for the thousandth time.

     "I'll miss you guys too." Kat said, embracing them once more. She turned to her mother and hugged her tight. "I'll miss you mama." I heard her whisper. Vampire hearing. one of the only perks of being one.

     "I know, baby, I know. I will too. Ash is probably getting impatient." Janice said pulling away from her daughter. "Now go on. I love you."

     "I love you too mama." With one last embrace, Kat walked to where I was leaning against a black SUV, carrying a small bag with her. When she reached me, I took the bag and placed it in the car. We climbed in, and with one last look at the home she grew up in, drove away to go to my home.

     Romania, here we come.


I AM SOOOOOO SOOOOORRRRRRYYYYYYY! I didn't mean to take this long to update, but I already have something planned for nest chapter so it should be up soon. Anywhore.......











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