Chapter 24: Prombie Night

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"Doesn't this all just feel too...I don't know...Dawn of the Dead to you guys?"

We stand in front of the busted automatic doors to a mall much smaller than any I've ever been to. Ellis steps back again and then hops forward, as if this time the doors will open for us. But with no power, it's no surprise they're busted.

"Okay Ellis, I think that's enough tries." I put a hand on his arm to stop him from hopping forward again.

"I ain't tryin' to get these doors to open, I'm making sure there ain't a camera watching or an alarm that'll go off." He squints up at the building.

"That movie is so distant in my mind; I can't remember who lived and who died or if anyone made it out. Hey wasn't that the movie with the guy on the opposite building? Or am I thinking of a different movie?" Becca holds Monty's hand in her own as she, too, stares up at our little dilapidated mall.

"I can't remember either," I respond. "But we should hurry up and take what we need so we can get going." I look at the sky. The sun is high and dead center, so we've got a few hours before dusk. "We just might reach Ostford tomorrow morning."

Ellis busts the glass doors after a few solid hits with his crowbar, glass spraying everywhere. When he scrapes some of the glass still on the door off, he nods and we follow him inside.

"You know how many movies take place in malls?" Becca's voice echoes and her eyes go wide as they roam over all the empty stores and high ceiling. "Like a lot. Let's name a few: Dawn of the Dead—which yes, I already mentioned—that one spider movie Eight-Legged Freaks, Mall Cop...I know there are more but I just can't remember them all right now. Know what's scary? Something bad always happens!" She whispers that last part sharply.

"Shh." Ash holds his hand up and looks off to the side. I follow his gaze towards a food court. It's completely silent. The tables and chairs are on their sides and the floor is smeared with moldy food people likely dropped in an attempt to get away.

"I mean, not saying something bad will happen, but it could happen. It's okay, as long as we stick—"

"Becca, shut up!" Ash snaps at her. She clamps her mouth shut and narrows her eyes at him, but stops talking. Ellis looks at her and offers a thumbs-up before writing another note down in his notebook.

"Doesn't seem like anyone's here," Ash says, still scanning the mall. We stop near a broken down escalator. A beam of light paints a glowing white line straight across the middle. Everything else is dusty and dark.

"But we should still be on guard," Ash continues. "Okay, here's the deal." He turns to face all of us and leans back on the railing that overlooks the lower half of the mall. "Take only what you need, be cautious with what you want. I'd say we could split up, but—" he looks over at Becca. "Maybe we shouldn't."

Her eyes widen more. "I'm just saying that's a horror-movie rule. If you want to, sure. Go 'head." She holds a hand out and looks around. "Honestly though, there doesn't seem to be anyone here. We could split up, but no one goes alone."

"Well I don't mind either way." Ellis props his crowbar on his shoulder and turns on his heel. "I'm off to pick out a new weapon. If anyone needs me I'll be around." He already branches off and makes his way down a narrow corridor, whistling a tune that only makes the setting a whole lot creepier.

Becca looks between Ash and I. "I think I'll go with him. I'm the only one who doesn't have a weapon here. Will you two be okay?"

I nod. "Let's meet back here in a few hours."

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