chapter 17

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I sat in the front with daisy, and benny was in the back.

I watched CRefully in the distance. There was a small of light. Like fire. Long in the distance. So far after 10 minutes, no sign of violence. Which is weird.
This is ridge wood road, this road is always full of people.

"Dad, how many more minutes" I said into the walkie talkie.

"About, 5 more minutes," dad replied.

"Daisy, look at that light up ahead,.... That seems weird doesn't it" I said.

"Yea, what you think that might be" she asked.

" I dunno, just hope its not the tracers" I said

....then a clear sight if a man in a masks came up in the distance similar to the one in the tracers.

I shut the lights off in and out of the van.

"Dad, the tracers are headed our way hurry" I yelled into the walkie talkie.

"Alright alright, were coming just don't move" my dad yelled back..

I looked out the window on the left side. I saw jack Derek and my dad rushed out the Store.

Benny opened the back door.
Derek and jack hoped in and my dad last making sure the back door was locked.

I drove.
Slowly so the car won't be loud, and in a way we won't be noticed.

I went down, Roland street, its the shortest shortcut to get to my street Menard street.

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