chapter 4

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I ran upstairs and packed a bag. I filled the bag with some extra clothes, underneath the clothing i, packed extra bullets. My sister and brothers did the same. My father is the one who went outside to pack the car with extra weapons and food for us and the dog.I placed a package of water in the car. My dogs were buckled and strapped to the kennel in the car. Max looked scared, but who wasn't scared.

Daddd lindaaaaaaa roseeeee.. My brother screamed

I ran as fast as I can to my brother. I'd don't know if someone had attacked one of us again... I was scared going deep into my memories and almost tearing up, my heart racing so fat it wanted to come out.

What happened max" I asked

Look at the screen" he said

My brother handed the tablet to me, not knowing what might be on it, I closed my eyes I faced the tablet straight with my face, and there it was when I opened my eyes, the tracers lined up in our front yard, each one facing a camera... The only camera missing was the back, the one that leads into the house. I was scared for my life. It felt like I wasn't alive an then it hit me, we had to run we had to drive away as far as we could...

We had to PURGE we didn't like to purge but if we had to we would.

Daddddd start the car, we have to PURGE" I yelled

My brother max went in first my sister went second I stood behind.. Not noticing someone behind me, one of the tracers I turned around and jump kicked him. He fell down to the floor at that second I took my gun and shot h in the heart. The tracers had broken down the door,
The minute I pulled the trigger. I ran to the car without taking a breath. My dad hit the gas and we were off.

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