chapter 6

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All I can remember was more than 6 bullets going off... Me praying while fighting .. Remembering a strand of my hair getting pulled.. My sister crying. Me the family I got left trying to survive.

I remember darkness passing my eyes my dogs barking.. Me getting covered with blood every second...

My brother trying to save me...

The last thing I remember is my head being banged against the car.....

..................An hour later...................

"Rose wake up we have to move"

Someone was shouting at me to get up... I was laying in the middle of the road... My dogs were laying side by side with me...

I got up and stood up I was covered in blood.... My sister had her hair tied up and her shirt ripped. My brother had a black eye
. my father was bloody..

"What happened " I asked

"Our car got on fire we have to walk now and we need to move now, the Travers are behind us
" max said..

"I tied one dog to one each side of my pants. Every where I go they follow me..
My dad had put a bullet proof vest around the dogs that cover there entire body including a helmet.... My dogs were fighters and there is no way in hell they are gonna die in the purge....

"Alright so where are we headed" I said..

Let's go downtown.. No one barely purges there" my dad said ....

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