Chapter 7

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I walked with my sister as calmly as I can. My dogs were quiet but were very sensitive to sounds. My brother looked scared for the first time he actually looked scared.. I didn't Wang to be out here no one did we were prepared but even the most prepared people get caught up in the purge..

"Please someone help me"

I spotted a woman running for her life, my dad stopped

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I spotted a woman running for her life, my dad stopped. We were all looking Around to find a safe place to hide..

Then an armored house had opened. From the window there was a man who shouted
"common in.. You'll be safe"

"Dad let's go we have to do it" I said

"We can't take any chances"he said

"Dad, we die quicker out here than in an armored house are you serious dad" I replied..

I took my sister and ran to the house. As I looked back I saw flashing vehicles up ahead from the hill we lived at.


My dad looked back then he look at the woman coming

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My dad looked back then he look at the woman coming.. We ran with max towards me and we all decided to go into the house.
The house looked like it cost millions it looked bigger than my house.

Not minding the blood scattered around the. Gates but for some reason I felt safe.

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