chapter 9

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The knock continued, and we all sat on the floor. I barely could breathe it was like every where we go we aren't safe.. Like it follows us every where we go. I just what this night to be over.

"Dad you don't hear the woman no more right" I said

"No honey" he replied.

"I need to use the bathroom, where is it" Linda said.

"Its up stairs second door"
...............5 minutes later..............

I heard my sister scream like never before it was a blood hurtling scream

I ran upstairs finding my sister on the floor, her stomach was bleeding.

"Linda what happened" I said

"A woman, came out of nowhere and stabbed me, here in the stomach" she said..

She laid down
Mike came running with his medical bag I watched my sister close her eyes as if she was dying no. She's not going to die because I'm here, max is here, my dad is here.

I heard noise in the back, I noticed a shadow moving back and forth.watching us as we speak, as we panic into emotion.

"Dad"I whispered


"Look over towards the kitchen" I said

Me and my dad slowly turned our heads towards the kitchen,we watched closely and we both were looking at the same thing.
The shadow stopped and slowly walked into light.

When it showed itself, there was nothing to do but gasp, and fight in fear..

The shadow was a bloody woman, who was holding a knife and her hair all nested up, she had a gown, no shoes and white, barefoot dirty feet.
Bloody hands , her face filled with scars and scratches ..

I looked toward my dad.


I turned quickly catching the women on top of me.she was holding the knife above my chest as my hands were hmgrasping onto her wrist. Trying to force her with the knife elsewhere.

I pushed and pushed, my dad tried to get her off, but she seemed stronger,as if she wasn't a human and she was something else..

I spotted the time across the room as I was struggling, I saw it was 1:50 am,
All of a sudden, it just hit me it I was still in the purge and I'm here, fighting as if it was a regular day fighting for my life but its not. It the purge and we can kill however we want..

Strength came into my arms, I pushed the woman off of me, she dropped the knife and lands next to my sister.

I got up quickly and shot her..
The bullet went through her chest. She died quickly...

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