chater 12

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........there was silence for a moment..

Thebtracers were still across the street waiting for us.

Then there was banging in the back door. It sounded like another group.

But we couldn't tale Amy chances of getting killed...

I got up And spoke.

"What if, we join the tracers and we pretend, were helping them. Then when we get the right chance, we attack them

"Rose, there's only 5 of us, you really think we can take on a group of 20" my dad said..

"We can try" I said.

"Trying will get us killed rose." Max replied

"Why is it every time I have a suggestion everyone turns it down, come on, we can try" I pleaded..

A sound went off, on the wall by mike.
It sounded very loud like a radio.

"Nice try rose, but you see your new friend mike here, has been working with us and well since you stated what you just said now we really do have a reason to kill you and the rest of your family, have a nice night". A man said.

I looked at mike, with fury. I was fired up inside. I was bittig my lip. My gun was being held tightly by me.

"What, so you lured us here so you can survive mike" my dad yelled.

" of course dad, this son of a bitch wanted everything for himself I'm sure the woman that stabbed Linda was in it to and he knew"
I screamed

"Wait, no no no I didn't... Mike tried to say
"Shut the fuck up, god dam it, all you do is lie lie and lie, the hell is wrong with you. And you expected to gain my trust, because you knew I was the strongest out of the whole group right." I yelled

"You know what rose, your tlakeing to the wrong person, the tracers are out there and I can tell them to attack whenever so are you sure you want to argue right now" mike screamed.

My eyebrows began twitching
My sister was slowly lifting herself, up.

My dad with anger stood up in a corner with his knife.

Max. Good beside me.

Then mike lifted the gun, he printed it at star.

That's when I took my knife and threw it.

The knife passed my dads eyes and went straight in mikes head.

He fell and hit the wall, leaving a blood trail down the wall.

My sister starting to cry, my brother hugging me.

I walked to the window.

Keeping eye to eye with the leader of the tracers.

Making sure he knows that this means war for good...

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