chapter 13

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My dad and I unarmed the back door. The door was still locked but it gave us a chance to see who was hanging on the back door.

I can tell you for sure it wasn't the tracers.

A man, I believe the leader, was wearing a white mask, with a cross in the top. The eyes seemed to be blacked out but that was part of the mask. He held a group with about 15 people.

If we join it would be. 19 in total.

Enough to fight the tracers. What if this was our chance. To regain power.

"Who are you guys" I asked

"Were, the killers." The man replied

"What's your name" I asked.

"My name is, jack, this is lorence, raven, hennesy, daisy, Derek, mark, lance, horizon, flower, John. Randy, Robert, jake and lily. My wife. " jack Replied

"So what do you guys do..." Max askdx

"OK ok ok, we have a group of 20 killers across the street ready to attack with their leader dead I'm sure, there want to kill now, and were just sitting here,asking question" I yelled

"Well young man, I guess us being here, right at the same moment when the tracers want to attack answers your question to what we do"
Jack said


There was a big crash downstairs
We all turned and gathered together.

Than there it was, a shiny mask, two of them to be correct, then more coming the same direction.

My brother got behind me us back to back watching our surroundings.

The killers made a circle to protect us.

Then the tracers, started coming each way. Back front side , side

You would never see, where they come from...
My dogs, on each side ready to strike with their vest surrounding their body. Trying to protect me..
And me trying to protect them

Purge:SurvivalOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz