chapter 2

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I grabbed my sister and we both went inside.. My father had told me to bring the two dogs in Thunder and star. Thunder and star are my two favorite dogs.. One is a husky the other is a German shepperad. These are the only two dogs that make me feel safe,especially on this type of day. For about 5 years we have been keeping each other safe. Me my mom my father y brother and sister all have a particular weapon in case our house gets broken in by someone who is purging.

I had brought the dogs inside and fed them and gave them some water. After the roses are put in front of the door. Me and my father bring down the gates that surround the house.
We had brought out our emergency car.

The emergency car was made by my brother,father and I its a mustang. We had broken down the wall between the trunl and seats and made a little kennel for the two dogs. We had gated and put medal around the whole car and we had put extra gas and weapons in the back of the car. This car is only used for if we have to purge or we have to escape from being killed.

It was 9:00 when I woke up from my nap. My father prepared dinner and me and my brother and sister suited up in case.

Linda, don't worry we will be fine ok, I know you miss mom so do i, but if anything and that's a big if , if anything goes wrong tonight we all have to be strong including you." I said

" I know I just want the people who burned our last house to be dead' she responded

"I know we all do, but just hope they don't find us" I said worried.

Linda, rose come down were gonna start eating" my dad yelled

My brother had put on the basketball game. We all sat down and ate. Thunder was on the couch laying down and star was sitting next to the dinning table. We were eating baked chicken with mashed potatoes and carrots.

"So dad how was work" I asked..

"It was fine, oh um Mr.William said he might give me a promotion next month". My dad answered

"Oh that's great what type of promotion, what will you do" max asked

" mr.William said, I can plan out ideas and join in meetings to talk about conflicts with the factories in Ohio and Pennsylvania". He replied

"Well that's cool, would you get a raise " I asked.

"Actually, yes instead of getting paid 2,000 a week like now I'm going to be getting 3,250 when I get the promotion"... My dad replied

...................2 hours later........................

It was 11 and I was sweaty my sister was upstairs listening to music, my dogs were eating, and my father and brother were watching TV.
I was washing the dishes all the windows were gated and the gates were down around the whole house.

.................10 minutes later.....................
Its 11:10 I finished the dishes and started up the stairs, I headed for the bathroom to take a shower.
My sister fell asleep my brother and father are still watching g the game. My dogs are in my room, playing around.

I ran the shower on cold. I felt so hot and sweaty , I guess its the night or something I really don't know. I place my gear on the bathroom counter, went in my room and found a new set of clothing .

..................20 minutes later...............

I finished my shower, I felt refreshed and cool. I brushed my hair and dried my body.
I had my  black shorts on and my black crop top. I had placed my gear around my waist, and headed for my room. It was 11:40 by the time I finished everything, I went to see if my sister had woken up and she hadnt.

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