Chapter Eleven

Beginne am Anfang

Sarah nodded, and so did Marina. "Then let's move it," he ordered. 

The three of them burst out of the dark room and took off at a run through the halls. John actually thought they would make it outside, but three Mogs appeared in front of them, pointing Loric cannons at them. John turned to look behind them, but three more Mogs appeared behind them. He cursed, then lit his hands up as Marina's hands sparked. If they were going down, they were going down with a fight. And, John thought numbly, they probably were going down. 

That was before the doors exploded behind the three Mogs in front of them. (A/N: From here on is the video clip!) Marina pulled Sarah down to avoid shrapnel, and John turned to see the new attacker. 

Black booted feet strode across the floor, and John looked up into Savannah's harsh brown eyes. She cocked the Loric cannon she was manning, then swung it up and let off two simultaneous shots. The Mogs ducked to avoid them, and Marina and Sarah pulled off to an opposite side of them. The Mogs began firing back at Savannah, forcing her to the side as well. That revealed Kate and McGee where she had previously been, who each had one knee planted on the floor, and they had perfect shots of their new targets. They fired off several rounds - where do they get all of these Loric guns? John wondered absently - and took down two of the six. 

The firing hesitated at the thought of facing off against people who were possibly even better shots, and Savannah took full advantage of the distraction, doing a forward somersault to the other side of the hallway, and the guns started tracking her. She leaned against the lockers, breathing heavily, and that was when John noticed something was wrong. 

Marina was gone. 

He looked around the corner, trying to find her, then whipped back to cover Sarah as blasts went past them. Kate and McGee were now ducking to avoid blasts, then there was a sharp cry of warning from one of the Mogs. Tony and Gibbs advanced from behind, firing steadily and taking two of them down. Then a black blur dropped through the ceiling, and Marina wrapped her legs around one Mog's neck, bringing him to the ground. She raised the knife she clutched, bringing it down rather aggressively into its heart. It exploded, and John cried out her name as the remaining Mog approached from behind. 

Marina looked, then phased through the floor. The Mog skidded to a halt, and even Gibbs stopped, seeing what she had just done. "What's with her now?" he heard Tony mutter under his breath. 

A few seconds later, she rose up from the bottom of the floor a few feet behind the Mog, then slid across the floor on her knees, slashing her knife through the remaining Mog's knee. He roared out in pain, bringing his gun up to bear, but Marina just gave a smirk and phased through the wall she slid through. 

Savannah now had her eyes wide open, and Gibbs and Tony looked through the windows to try and find Savannah. The Mog raised his gun, aiming for Gibbs's back. "Gibbs!" he shouted in warning. 

Gibbs heard. He turned, but John realized that even if he had the chance, the Mog would be able to keep on him no matter what. 

The Mog smirked, probably thinking about how he was close to killing one of the Cêpans, but there was another blur of black. Marina dug her knife through the Mog's abdomen, and he gasped, arching up. A sharp "bang" was heard, and the Mog disintegrated. (A/N: End video.)

Marina panted, putting the Loric gun she now had in her waistband, turning to the NCIS agents and her best friend. "Great timing as usual." 

"You stubborn Seven!" Savannah started ranting as she emerged from behind the lockers. "Of all of the stupidest things - " She cut off when Marina hugged her extremely hard. She hugged her back. "Well, I guess you can do that." 

John grinned, then saw Gibbs shaking his head. "I should've known when I saw Bernie Kosar," he chuckled, holding out a hand to John. "Which number are you?" 

"Just my luck," John sighed, shaking firmly. "I'm Four." 

"Henri's your Cêpan?" Tony assumed, loading a new round of bullets into his gun. 

John winced. "He's dead." 

Tony pretty much dropped his weapon. "What?" Kate gasped. 

"A video of me getting Three's scar had to be erased from the source," Marina explained as John swallowed and looked away. "John asked me and Sam to help. We were getting out in the truck when a Mog stabbed through the windshield, aiming for John." She cleared her throat, looking down. "Henri took it instead." 

The sound of snarls fill the air, and Gibbs snaps out of his daze. "The Mogs have all exits covered. We'll need to fight to get out." 

Marina looked at John and raised an eyebrow. "Are you game?" she asked. 

"Oh, yeah," John agreed. 

Sarah cleared her throat. "There's a hallway past the gym that leads out onto the football field." 

Gibbs nodded. "Let's move it."


Later, Marina realized, it was probably a good thing Sarah had come with them. An endless stream of Mogadorians continued coming through the school, and it was Sarah who knew alternate routes to show the. 

They ran into a freaked out Sam a little bit later, who kept shouting "Holy shit!" every chance he got. 

"Hey, hey, Sam!" John shouted, holding his hands up. "Calm down, buddy." 

"Mogs," Sam panted, pointing the way he had come. "Everywhere. And your dog . . . there's this huge monster . . . and take your stupid rock." He tossed a matching Loralite right at them. Savannah reached out and caught it easily. 

The eight of them stared at Sam, and John got onto what he thought was the most important. "Bernie Kosar?" he prompted. 

"I swear I'm going mad," Sam moaned in reply. 

Marina's eyes widened when she remembered Gibbs's words: "I should've known when I saw Bernie Kosar." Gibbs noticed her, then nodded. "Yeah, Bernie Kosar." 

"What about him?" John asked. 

"He's a Chimæra," Marina explained. "A shape-shifter." 

There were vague roars from the far side of the building. "That explains why there's a dragon-ish creature that looked like BK is now fighting one of the Mogs' pets," Sam commented. 

"It's this way," Sarah told them, grabbing John's hand and pulling him away. "Come on!" 

As they started to run, Marina halted by a fallen Mog, picking up its cannon, and tossed it to a startled Sam. "Redeem yourself from the border." 

Sam nodded, gripping the cannon tighter. John wrapped an arm around Marina's waist, and they continued on.

The Joining of Four and Seven (I Am Number Four/NCIS Crossover)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt