Plan E: Find The Controller

Start from the beginning

She runs behind the tree to see a brunette boy.

"Could've told me that in the first one place. For a second there, I thought you were invisible," she tells him honestly.

He laughs a little, shaking his head.

"Do you know where we are?" She then asks him.

"I have no idea," he replies. "I just woke up here."

"Me too! I'm so confused how I even got here."

"Same here." He wince when Fluff decided to jump on his leg.

"Are you alright?" Alice asks him a little worried.

"Not really, I hit my leg accidentally," he replies.

"What happened?" She questions.

"Well, there was a spider on me and I hit it along with my leg," he admits.

"Aww, poor spider," She pouts.

"Poor spider? Poor me!"

"Oh, yes. You too," She nods.

He rolls his eyes. "So how do we get out of here?" He asks.

"That's a good question. A wonderful question. A fantastic question! And a question that I don't have an answer to," she tells him smiling.

"Well, isn't that's great," he says sarcastically.

"What's your name?" She asks the boy.

"Tyler," he answers.

"Alright Tyler, let's find a way out of here," she says.

"Good idea, but my leg," he reminds her. "I could walk it just hurts if I press on it too hard."

"No worries," she smiles. "I'll be your shoulder." She takes Tyler's arm before wrapping it around her and helps him to his feet.

"Thanks," he smiles.

Anthony and I would take turns writing our responses for the dialogue. When my character would talk I would write, and when his character would talk he would write.

We were sitting on my bed next to each other writing in my notebook. My hands start to shake as I move my pencil against the page. He was making me nervous with the way he was so close. My heart starts to quicken its pace onto full speed, and I could feel my cheeks start to heat up.

I try to stay calm and just focused my attention on writing, but then his hand brushed against mine as he added a comma. That's where I lost it.

My heart stopped. My brain stopped. I couldn't move.

I just stare at the lines on the paper as my stomach invests with butterflies. I felt like I was going to explode.

"Alice, it's your part," Anthony's voice takes me out of my trance.

"Oh, uh, s-sorry," I apologize, smiling nervously.

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