Plan B: Get Him To Be My Tutor

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AHHH cookies!!! I MISSED YOU!

I apologize for not updating for like 4 months! That's awful I know! Honestly, I don't even know what happened. But I'm back and here to update more often again! You all have been super patient *hands you a cookie* thank you for waiting and staying. Loyal cookies (':

Anyway, here's the chapter! (:

Enjoy the song! All those nightcore cookies >.< My Little Monster is such a cute anime, I recommend it! (:

ENJOY! *throws honey cake and chocolate chip cookies at you* I hope you like it cookies!

*Alice's POV*

"Food, food, food, yummy yummy food," I sing as I skip through the hallway and into the living room.

"Food, food, food, tasty tasty food," Charlie my little brother sings and skips along with me.

"Food, food, food, who doesn't love food?" I continue. Together we skip to the table and take a seat.

"Lalalala," Charlie sings, laughing his silly little laugh. Charlie and I would always sing our food song before supper.

I laugh, pushing my chair in. It was finally dinner. Finally time to eat yummy, tasty food. Well, I'm assuming it's going to be yummy and tasty.... It usually is. Mom's cooking was the best and is the best.

"Everybody come to the table for dinner!" Mom yells out. 

I watch as Jason and Jeremy both get up from the couch and come sit down.

The table had eight chairs, so there was was always one extra chair. The lonely chair.

Usually Melissa or Jay would sit there when they would stay for dinner. They would give it warmth and love to make it feel less lonely.

The sitting order in our house was like this: Dad would sit by the head of the table, while mom would sit next to him. Then Charlie would sit next to mom and I would sit next to Charlie. On the other side of the table, Kyron would sit next to dad while the twins sat next to Kyron.

We all sat down in our seats waiting for mom to bring the food. I was going to get up to help her, but she was already coming towards the table.

"Dinner is served," mom announces putting the pot of chicken on the table. Smelling the air, I knew it was BBQ chicken. I hum in delight. BBQ was my absolute favorite.

All my siblings started grabbing pieces with their hands. Did they not learn anything from dad? Dad always told us to have manners, but no one listened.  I guess I would be a hippo if I said I did listen.

"Ew, don't put your filthy hands all over them," I say with disgust. I mean, it was pretty gross.

"You touch, you take," dad says. He would always say that.

"Hey, I touched that one first," Jason argues as he takes Jeremy's chicken leg and puts it on his plate.

"Well, I got it first," Jeremy argues, taking it back.

"Boys," mom scolds them, as she sits down. "Just take a different one Jason."

"Fine," he sighs annoyed.

I put some rice and corn on my plate, along with a piece of chicken. I then fill my plastic cup with some cold water.

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