little do you know
I, I love you 'til the sun dies

I watched as every word she said spoke to me in so many levels . this was her way of showing she loves me . we both started singing without breaking eye contact .

oh wait, just wait
I love you like I've never felt the pain,
just wait
I love you like I've never been afraid,
just wait
our love is here and here to stay
so lay your head on me

I'll wait (I'll wait), I'll wait (I'll wait)
I love you like you've never felt the pain,
I'll wait (I'll wait)
I promise you don't have to be afraid,
I'll wait
the love is here and here to stay
so lay your head on me
lay your head on me
so lay your head on me

she got closer to me and put her hand on my cheek before singing the last words .

'cause little do you know
I, I love you 'til the sun dies

i ended up into tears and she pulled me into a hug . everyone in the room getting quiet as they watched . Normani started to run her fingers through my hair in attempt to comfort me .

"Dinah ." she said into the microphone .

I looked up at her with my red puffy eyes as she clutched the microphone in her hand . her free hand going down my arm and finally intertwining our fingers together .

"I fell in love with you the minute I saw you in that bathroom . I made it my mission to find out your name but I never got it until several months later . that's when we started hanging out and I felt myself fall even harder . I was falling in love with a girl and that was the most terrifying thing to me . all I have ever been with was masi and when I figured out that I didn't love him , I didn't know what to do . I wanted to break up with him but I couldn't because he was the sweetest guy I have ever been with . I've hurt you and made you cry for god knows how much . I knew how my parents would react once they find out that I'm dating a girl so I made up an excuse to break up with you . well we never got to do an official break up . what I'm saying is that I , Normani Kordei Hamilton , am in love with Dinah Jane Hansen . I promise that from now on , you'll be mine and if anyone looks at you or your ass then I'm going to flip . I'm not about to have my soon to be girlfriend get checked out by anyone . I'll wait for you Dinah . for however long it takes ."

she looked up and planted a kiss on my cheek . I pulled her into a hug and everyone started cheering .

"don't touch my girlfriend !" Aryanna yelled , causing me and Normani to stop hugging .

Normani looked at me with sad eyes .

"like I said , I'll wait for you ."

I watched as she got off the stage and went to her date who just gave her a small smile . I sighed before I got off the stage as well . the dj started playing music and Aryanna was furious by the time I got to her .

"what is the meaning of that ?"

"look I had a nice time with you but to be honest , I never liked you ."

"that is a lie ."

"no it's not . the day you were worried about me , I was in the bathroom with Normani . we kissed and we were about to last month on thanksgiving but I decided not to because I was dating you . I was thoughtful of you ."

"I wish you die ." she said , slapping me .

everyone in the room went silent again until I could hear yelling .

"I know you did not just slap my girl ."

I looked at Normani , who was angry and about to pounce on the girl but zendaya and Lauren held her back .

"it's over , Aryanna . don't be mad that I didn't choose you ."

she glared at me and slapped me once again . I was honestly getting pissed . this bitch is not about to get away with it . I threw a punch at her and she fell to the floor . not caring if I was in a dress or not , I got on top of her and started throwing punches . she was slowly fading in and out of consciousness by the time I was pulled off of her . ally and Camila were by my side . I got out of their grip and walked outside . i don't feel like being in there anymore . I would be getting suspended one way or another . 

"Dinah ?"

"what ?" I asked , not looking at her .

"babe , please look at me ."

I sighed and turned to the side to look at Normani . she gave me a soft smile .

"I shouldn't have done that ."

"I know you were getting tired of her slapping you . but look , I want you to be mine . it's just you're going to need some time before we can officially be together ."

"can I at least have one dance with you before the night ends ?"

"of course ."

she extends her hand out for me and I take it . she leads me back into the gym and everyone was dancing . it was like the fight never happened . the teachers just smiled at me like I didn't do anything . she led me to the dance floor and pulled me close as we began to dance . I laid my head in the crook of her neck . it was pretty awkward considering our heights . she craned her neck and placed a kiss on my bare neck . I pulled away from her shoulder and smiled at her . she reciprocated it and leaned on my shoulder . I held her close as we slow danced .

I was dancing with the love of my life .

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