Traning and a friend in need (im so soooorrryyy)

Start from the beginning

With one push I shove my hand into the cloud. Now the feeling I get when I do? I can best compare it to being run over by a train before falling in lava. My hand burned! It felt like it was on fire! I try and pull back out of habit but Jackie stops me. "Don't pull out! If you do you now you will be consumed by it!" He yells over the sounds the cloud makes, must not like having a random intruder huh? I move my hand around feeling for anything until I get something. I grab it and start to tighten my grip as it moves trying to escape.

"That's it, now pull it out!" With one teeth grinding pull I did. In my hand was for lack of better words a slug made of the things around the cloud. It stopped struggling after I pulled it out, content on holding still with tiny wiggles here and there. "Now what?" I ask, hoping I'm done and can leave. "Now crush it, you will absorb it and the power it has for you to use." I look at it in my hand, slowly clasping and squeezing it till there is a pop. After that I feel a strange sensation, a surge up my arm and into my eye. After some more burning I feel the same, like nothing happened.

"Well that seems to be your first power from the Darkness. Take a look." He pulls up a mirror and in the reflection I see my normal self. Except that's not exactly true, instead of my normal brown left eye and green right eye I see a green right eye and a glowing purple left eye. "What-what is it?" I ask shocked at the change. "I personally didn't have this power when I hosted it, but I did talk with previous hosts before me. Only one had an eye like that, it acts as a sort of super vision for lack of better words, it allows you to see any being, magic, aura and presence that is evil. With enough training that vision can increase in range but as it is now you have a full 360 degree view of everything."

    I look up to him then back at my reflection, touching around my left eye with new found curiosity. "How do I turn it back to normal?" I ask thinking how it would be weird to walk around with this. "Think of it going back to normal, it will work like that to activate it as well. Now seeing as it's not a physical power but a sight one, and one I didn't have there is no real training for it. You just need to practice with it to get better, so I'm sending you back to reality for now." I nod to him as the buzzing comes back. Here we go again it seems.
-------------Real World--------------------------
        I wake up in my bed, looking around to see the clock. It's only been a few seconds in real world time, while in there it was hours. I stand and go to the mirror in my room examining my eye. I think of it activating and as he said, it was there. So I can expand my vision with a full 360 degree view with this? I sit down on my bed and close my right eye deciding to see how far I can look. I concentrate on my eye when suddenly everything becomes a purple mist like world zooming around me. I look around like this and try to see how far I can go.

    After a bit I stop at the park, unable to go any further. There I see a red person, this must be what he meant by "seeing" evil. After looking at this person I notice that it's aniki. Makes sense now that he's a devil, but he's with someone. There near the fountain when...oh no. Another red person comes into view but this one has wings. Crap! It's a fallen, after a failed attempt to defend himself aniki gets stabbed. That's all I see before I stop and get up to rush to help him, I may not be of use in a fight but I'm not letting him die!

   After running the fastest I have ever ran in my life I reach the park and aniki. He's in the fountain. I move to him, seeing he has a hole in his shirt but has no wound. "Aniki! Are you ok? What happened? I ask worried, he looks over to me and explains how he and Asia ran into each other and spent the day together till the fallen showed up and took her. After this I help him up and we head to the club room to help him rest.
-------------------Time Skip----------------------
       *Smack* "Let me rephrase that, if I say you don't then you don't. Just forget about Asia, your a part of the Gremory household now." Rias says to aniki. I get the reason bit seriously another slap? "Then maybe it's time you let me out of your household because I refuse to forget about her." He says back with a serious face. "I'm sorry but I can't do that." "Of course not in your precious pawn, can't do without your most important piece can you?" He says back, he really does not like that. I mean who would? Though if I remember right pawns were special in there own way. "That's enough Issei." She says sitting back on her desk. "Pawns are important and are not the weakest link. Remember when I told you about my evil pieces and there relation to real chess?" "Ya but what can a stupid pawn do?" "In this game quite a bit, if a pawn went deep enough into enemy territory recognized by the king then it can promote to any other piece except the king."

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