Mystic Aura

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With a heavy heart I walk to the beach,
But again, there too I find the waves too rough to reach,
Broken I wished atleast the breeze would sooth,
But again, even the winds were cold and sharp as tooth,
Helpless I reach out to my earphones to do the job,
Yet, my favorite songs make me choke back a sob.
I resort to solitude to talk to be with me,
Yet again, I felt how tough it has to be.
Finally a deep breath or a sigh I take,
As I walk to the room where I go everytime my heart needs a wake,
Quietly I sit staring at the divine face,
Once again realising that He is all I need to walk through my every phase!

A/N. I found this in my archives. Had written it few months ago and I hand no idea that I had written it until I stumbled upon it accidentally.

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