An Ideal Idol-Kalpana Chawla

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In a small town she was born.

Number of honors in her name to adorn,

Planes and flights were all she did sketch,

She conquered and explored beyond the endless stretch.

She did dream beyond the horizon

Every second with grit she carried on.

Burning desire she showed to be an astronaut,

Any hurdle in her path, it deterred her not.

An Indian she is, so proud we are,

At first she set off in the Columbia

To carve her name and create history

And to see her land celebrate her victory.

It knocked again, the opportunity

To make her travel to eternity,

When her shuttle into fire, it did explode.

Sending the globe to a mute mode

She dreamed of, dwelt on and conquered,

Any hurdle in her path, to her goal she stayed adhered

She taught us to wage our own life's wars,

And to dream beyond the earth and reach the stars!

We had a prose lesson on Kalpana Chawla. The writing style touched me so much and inspired me to write this poem on her two years ago. God bless! :)

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