Chapter XXI

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Chapter XXI

Asher sighed, running a hand through his hair, "What happened to our deal?"


"She's my mate what do you expect?"


"Aiden calm down brother. You're scaring her!"

The fuming Aiden finally made eye contact with me; and I was blown away. His blue eyes pierced mine and I was a goner just like that first night. He visibly calmed stepping away from Asher with a huff.

What was he doing here?

His eyes trailed down my body, landing on my stomach. What was gonna happen? I could see he was nibbling on his lip in thought. What exactly was he thinking?

"Alright well Daniel and I are gonna head home, call me later alright?"

I nod as she hugs me, leaving me to the dogs. As the door closed it was like no one breathed. Aiden's eyes were still locked on my huge stomach, not making a move, not making a sound. Asher just looked at his shoes.

"Aiden-" I began, but was interrupted as Asher opened the door, and walked out, closing the door softly.

Great that just made it worse. I decided to start again.

"Aiden I was gonna te-", I was interrupted again.

"You weren't gonna tell me, don't lie. You were planning on keeping the baby away from me, let me guess, to hurt me or something?"

"I was gonna tell you! If Asher hadn't-"

"If Asher hadn't of called me I would have still been here, just later. He didn't tell me you were pregnant, otherwise I would have already been here, and this probably could have been prevented." He said gesturing towards the hospital bed.

"He didn't tell you?"

"No, he didn't! I'm guessing the stupid leech wanted you all to himself. You reek of him." Aiden said rubbing his nose against his sleeve.


"Nothing, forget I said that."

Again with the interrupting.. He wasn't even making eye contact with me, just staring at my stomach. Self-consciously I wrapped my arms around my stomach, as if I was shielding the baby from him. This caused his eyes to snap up to mine.

"Do you know what it is?"

"I-It's a boy." I say with that stupid stutter back. Gosh he knew how to make a girl uncomfortable.

Aiden let out a shaky sigh, unfolding his arms, and running both sets of fingers through his hair, "I can't believe I missed it all."

"Well not all-"

"You took that away from me! I haven't even got to bond with it! Shit Tara why did you-"

"Okay first off you need to quit interrupting me! You're the one who told me to never call you again! I'm not one to go breaking people's lines okay?"

"I think over stepping it for this reason would have been plausible, Tara!"

I sent up a silent prayer to God, praying he would quit saying my name, it wasn't fair what it did to me.

"Well Aiden I'm sorry but at the way we left things it wasn't a very heartening situation. You live in fucking Ireland! How do you think that would have worked?"

"You'd move there with me." He says with a shrug as it it was he most obvious thing.

"No! Hell no I wouldn't!"

"Yes you would! Tara I can't stop thinking about you. I haven't slept one night without dreaming about you, about us; And to think all of this time you were here with my baby growing inside of you! God, I'm so stupid I shouldn't have left you in the first place."

He wasn't even making sense, he was acting as if we had known each other our whole lives.

"We barely know each other!"

"So! That's my baby, I'm gonna be there for our child! I'm also going to take care of you. I came back not knowing there was a baby, just for you. The baby is even better!"

I only shook my head in disbelief as I raked a hand down my face.

Aiden walked over to the chair at my bedside, and sat down, placing his elbows on his knees and leaning over them.

"Look, just because I missed all this time with you and the baby, isn't gonna change the fact that it's mine. Please except the fact that, now that I know, I'm not letting either of you go. I'm sorry I was such an asshole to you that day, you didn't deserve that, you were scared. I honestly don't blame you, I probably would have done the same thing. I just want you to know that I'm sorry, and I'm gonna do everything to make it right by you. I want-no I need to be in this baby's life, as well as yours. I'll do my best to make you happy, and this baby, our baby, will have everything he could ever want."

I was stunned silent, as tears began to well up in my eyes. Pictures of a little happy family danced throughout the corners of my mind, and I mentally sighed, that looked nice.


A relationship? Asher? I know I need to question his rudeness to Asher as well. At the same time I needed to accept what was right- my baby's father.

"I'm sorry too. For leaving, and for not telling you. That was the worst thing I could do to you. I'm at fault just as much, if not more."

He only nodded taking my hand in his, "If we can, you know if it's possible, can we start back where we left off."

I nod, wiping at my tears.

"But just so you know- you're gonna have to move in with me.. I'm not leaving you or little peanut here ever again!"

Wait what? He wanted me to move to Ireland?

"Um what?"


Wow two updates in one night! That's a record, but I just wanted to surprise you guys with the new Aiden! Isn't he good looking? Hope you like!


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