Chapter XIV

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I'm so sorry it has taken so long for me to update! I have been the hospital for almost two weeks with acute kidney rejection. Thankfully the doctors are slowly turning it around so the update hasn't been my highest priority, obviously.

Chapter XIV


"Hey so I was looking at the website, that I got the crib off of, and they have themes. Like pink decorations that go all over the crib, or yellow. They have like whole nursery sets, all revolving around the crib."

They were currently in the waiting room of the pregnancy clinic, waiting to be called in. Asher was looking through a baby magazine, talking non stop about what to do with the nursery.

"What makes you think it's gonna be a girl, Huh?" Tara asks teasingly.

Asher's cheeks turn a little red as he shifts uncomfortably in his seat,"Oh, um, I don't know. I just thought you might want a girl more; don't get me wrong boys are cool, I just thought.."


Asher looked relieved as he dropped the magazine back into the basket and stood up. Smiling, Tara grabbed his hands to get up. The nurse smiled to them as she opened the door wider.

"So how far along are you?" She asked, trying to make small talk.

"Almost twenty-three weeks." Tara says with a smile, as Asher wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Any names?" The nurse asked.

"No, not yet." she replies.

Asher only smiled as he thought about all of the names that had gone through his head, though he didn't let her know about them.

"Alright here you are. The doctor will be with you in just a moment. Would you mind changing into this gown and laying on the bed?"

Asher smiles and takes the gown from the nurse as Tara walks into the room,"Thank you."

The nurse leaves them alone which then makes the room a little awkward.

"Do you want me to step out?" He asks looking at the gown he was handing her.

"Um actually I need a little help." Tara says becoming a little embarrassed.

It was true though, she could hardly pull her shirt over her head this morning, without help from Corie. Something about the huge stomach and breasts and all that together, it was just a huge mess.

Asher clears his throat and nods before closing the door behind him. Sure he had thought about this, but not at a sonogram.

"I'll just, turn around and then..slip the gown on- um", she was becoming flustered with her words.

"Look just, on the count of three, I'll pull it off and you slip on the gown. You have a bra on right?"

Tara really starts to blush as she remembers the bra lying at home on her bed.

"No, it hurts." she says running a hand over her face.

Asher lets out a shaky breath before nodding,"I won't look."

Unfolding the gown, Asher lays it on the bed before turning to Tara. God this wasn't how he wanted the first time seeing her to be. Not that he had any objection to it, he just hoped it would be a special moment.


Asher grabs ahold of the bottom of her shirt and pulls up. Only it get stuck at her neck, as she tries to pull her arms through.

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